Interact with video, audio, and more
Books that were Made for iBooks have interactive diagrams, photos, and videos so you can watch, listen, and explore.
Maximize interactive media: When the pointer is over the item, click the maximize button in the top-left corner. You can also pinch open on a trackpad.
To zoom in further when content is maximized, pinch open on a trackpad.
Minimize interactive media: Click Done, or pinch closed on a trackpad.
Watch a movie or slideshow, or listen to an audio clip: Click the Play button or image, if necessary.
Some movies or audio clips are set to start playing as soon as you view the page.
Navigate through a gallery: Click the arrows or icons, or when the pointer is over the gallery, swipe left or right across a trackpad.
Rotate a 3D object: Click the object and drag it.
Zoom in on an image label (callout): Click the label to zoom in or see its complete description.
Textbooks in iBooks are made with iBooks Author. For more information, see About iBooks Author.