Use Mackie C4 views in Logic Pro
The C4 provides a number of views that display a particular parameter type on the V-Pots/V-Select buttons.
Use Pan/Surround Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 18 (labeled Surrnd Mixer).
In Pan/Surround Mixer view:
Row 1 edits pan/surround parameter 1.
Row 2 edits pan/surround parameter 2.
Row 3 edits pan/surround parameter 3.
Row 4 edits pan/surround parameter 4 (in this order: pan/angle, diversity, LFE, spread, X, Y).
SINGLE Left/Right changes the parameter edited in row 1, thus affecting the parameters shown (and edited) in rows 2 to 4.
Use Pan/Surround Channel view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 26 (labeled Surrnd).
In Pan/Surround Channel view, row 1 edits all eight surround parameters of a surround channel. If a stereo or mono channel is selected, V-Pot 1 edits the Pan (or Balance) parameter.
Use Channel Strip Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 17.
Press the BANK Left/BANK Right or SINGLE Left/SINGLE Right buttons to change the parameter shown, and edited, in row 4.
The parameters shown in rows 1 to 3 are adjusted accordingly.
In Channel Strip Mixer view, the row order is reversed, so that the lowest row edits parameter 1.
V-Pot row 4 (bottom row) edits the currently chosen channel parameter. Row 3 edits channel parameter 2, row 2 edits channel parameter 3, and row 1 (at the top) edits channel parameter 4.
The V-Pots edit the following channel parameters in this order: volume, pan/angle, input format, input assignment, output assignment, automation mode, group, displayed automation parameter.
Use EQ Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 19 (labeled EQ Mixer).
In EQ Mixer view:
Row 1 sets the selected EQ band bypass state.
Row 2 edits the selected EQ band frequency.
Row 3 edits the selected EQ band gain/slope.
Row 4 edits the selected EQ band Q factor.
The SLOT UP and SLOT DOWN buttons select the EQ band (if a Channel or Linear Phase EQ is inserted in the selected channel strip).
Use EQ Channel view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 27 (labeled EQs).
In EQ Channel view:
Row 1 edits the frequency of all eight bands.
Row 2 edits the gain/slope of all eight bands.
Row 3 edits the Q factor of all eight bands.
Row 4 sets the bypass state of all eight bands.
If no Channel or Linear Phase EQ is present on the selected channel, a Channel EQ is automatically inserted when you enter EQ Channel view. The TRACK Left and TRACK Right buttons switch to the previous or next channel. If you switch to a channel with no Channel or Linear Phase EQ inserted, the C4 displays show “–”, and the corresponding V-Pots do nothing.
Use Send Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels appear on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 20 (labeled Sends Mixer).
In Send Mixer view:
Row 1 edits the send destination of the selected Send slot (on the selected channel).
Row 2 edits the send level.
Row 3 edits the send position (pre/post fader).
Row 4 mutes/unmutes the send.
The SLOT UP/SLOT DOWN buttons select the Send slot.
The TRACK L and TRACK R buttons shift the fader bank (to the left or right) by the number of channel strips in the control surface group.
Use Send Channel view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels are shown on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 28 (labeled Sends).
In Send Channel view:
Row 1 edits the (first) eight send destinations of the selected channel strip.
Row 2 edits the send level of sends 1 to 8.
Row 3 edits send positions 1 to 8 (pre/post fader).
Row 4 mutes/unmutes sends 1 to 8.
TRACK L and TRACK R switch to the previous or next channel.
Use Effect Assign Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels are shown on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 21 (labeled PlugIn Mixer).
In Effect Assign Mixer view, the C4 displays the first four Insert slots of the eight selected channels.
Turn a V-Pot to switch between effects. (This action lets you browse through the effects listed in the Effect menu, shown in Logic Pro mixer channels.)
Press the respective V-Select to insert the chosen effect. This activates Effect Edit view, where you can directly edit effect parameters.
The SLOT UP/SLOT DOWN buttons switch between Insert slots.
TRACK L and TRACK R shift the fader bank by the number of channel strips in the control surface group.
Holding down SHIFT and pressing a V-Select switches the bypass state of the respective Insert slot. Bypassed effects are denoted by an asterisk (*) that precedes the effect name.
Use Effect Edit view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels are shown on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 21 (labeled PlugIn Mixer).
Insert or select an effect. The C4 automatically switches to Effect Edit view.
In Effect Edit view:
V-Pots 1 to 32 constitute a group of 32 parameters. Splitting is possible (see Mackie C4 function buttons in Logic Pro).
The SLOT UP/SLOT DOWN buttons select the Insert slot.
BANK Left/BANK Right shifts the edited parameters by one page.
In Split mode, the SLOT and BANK button behaviors apply to Split Upper.
When holding down SHIFT, the SLOT and BANK button behaviors apply to Split Lower.
SINGLE Left/SINGLE Right shifts the edited parameters by 1.
In Split mode, the SINGLE button behaviors apply to Split Upper.
When holding down SHIFT, the SINGLE button behaviors apply to Split Lower.
Use Instrument Assign Mixer view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels are shown on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 22 (labeled Instru Mixer).
In Instrument Assign Mixer view, the C4 displays the Instrument slots of the selected instrument channels.
Turn a V-Pot to select an instrument. (This action lets you browse through the software instruments listed in the Instrument Plug-in menu, shown in Logic Pro instrument channels.)
Press the respective V-Select to insert the chosen instrument. This enters Instrument Edit view, where you can edit instrument parameters.
The TRACK L and TRACK R buttons shift the fader bank by the number of channel strips in the control surface group.
Holding down SHIFT and pressing a V-Select switches the bypass state of the respective Instrument slot. An asterisk (*) precedes the name of bypassed instruments.
Use Instrument Edit view
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button.
The channel strip overlay labels are shown on the C4 displays.
Press V-Select 22 (labeled Instru Mixer).
Insert or select an instrument, which automatically switches the C4 to Instrument Edit view.
In Instrument Edit View:
V-Pots 1 to 32 constitute a group of 32 parameters. Splitting is possible (see Mackie C4 function buttons in Logic Pro).
BANK Left/BANK Right shifts the edited parameters by one page.
In Split mode, the BANK button behaviors apply to Split Upper.
When holding down SHIFT, the BANK button behaviors apply to Split Lower.
SINGLE Left/SINGLE Right shifts the edited parameters by 1.
In Split mode, the SINGLE button behaviors apply to Split Upper.
When holding down SHIFT, the SINGLE button behaviors apply to Split Lower.
Use Cycle View
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button, and press V-Select 31.
In Cycle view:
V-Pot/V-Select 1 (labeled Cycle) shows and edits the current Cycle mode state (off or on).
V-Select 2 (labeled BySet) matches the cycle area to selections made in the Tracks window (selected audio or MIDI regions).
V-Pot 3 (labeled Move) moves the current cycle area by a bar with each click of the V-Pot, when turned.
V-Pot 4 moves the current cycle area by a beat with each click of the V-Pot, when turned.
The display shows the left and right locators above V-Pots 5 and 7.
Pressing V-Select 5 picks up (uses) the current playhead position for the left locator.
Turning V-Pot 5 changes the left locator position by bars.
Turning V-Pot 6 changes the left locator position by beats (denominator steps).
Pressing V-Select 7 picks up (uses) the current playhead position for the right locator.
Turning V-Pot 7 changes the right locator position by bars.
Turning V-Pot 8 changes the right locator position by beats (denominator steps).
Use Punch View
To use the Mackie C4 with Logic Pro:
Hold down the CHAN STRIP button, and press V-Select 32.
In Punch view:
V-Pot/V-Select 1 shows and edits the current Autopunch state (off or on).
V-Pot 3 (labeled Move) moves the current punch in locator by a bar with each click of the V-Pot, when turned.
V-Pot 4 moves the current punch in locator by a beat with each click of the V-Pot, when turned.
The display shows the punch in and punch out locators above V-Pots 5 and 7.
Pressing V-Select 5 picks up (uses) the current playhead position for the punch in locator.
Turning V-Pot 5 changes the punch in locator position by bars.
Turning V-Pot 6 changes the punch in locator position by beats (denominator steps).
Pressing V-Select 7 picks up (uses) the current playhead position for the punch out locator.
Turning V-Pot 7 changes the punch out locator position by bars.
Turning V-Pot 8 changes the punch out locator position by beats (denominator steps).
Note: Changing a punch locator position with the C4 automatically activates Autopunch mode.