Set movie window preferences
Set the default size and behavior of the movie window.
Set movie window size preferences
Choose the default window size for standard and high-definition DVDs.
Choose DVD Player > Preferences, then click High Definition.
Choose the default size, then click OK.
For Standard Definition: Choose either the actual movie size or the disc default. The actual movie size depends on the type of video; it can be smaller or larger than the disc’s default size.
For High Definition: Choose either the disc’s default size or typical height dimensions in pixels (720 or 1080). The setting you choose affects the Viewer dimensions for half size (that is, one-half of normal size) and double size.
Set full-screen view preference
To view the movie full screen, choose DVD Player > Preferences, click Player, then select “Enter Full Screen mode” next to “When DVD Player opens.”
Set other window options
You can set some other behaviors of the Viewer window and controller.
To view information about the movie during playback, choose DVD Player > Preferences, click Windows, then select “Display status information.”
To fade the controller when hiding it, choose DVD Player > Preferences, click Windows, then select “Fade controller when hiding.”