Sculpture Morph Envelope display in MainStage
The Morph Envelope contains nine points and eight segments. It has recording behavior that is similar to the controller envelopes.

The overall time/length of the Morph Envelope is indicated by the numerical entry at the top right of the display.
The maximum time/length of the Morph Envelope is 48 bars/40 seconds.
The lines on the background grid are placed 100 milliseconds apart.
If you click the handles (nodes) or lines between the nodes, the current envelope segment becomes highlighted. A small help tag also indicates the millisecond value of the current segment.
As you move your pointer along the line, or place it over the nodes, the current envelope segment is highlighted.
You can create your own envelopes manually by manipulating the nodes and lines, or you can record an envelope. See Record Morph Envelopes in Sculpture.
During Morph Envelope playback, the current position is indicated by a moving red dot and line. When multiple voices are played, this indicator is shown for the most recently triggered voice.
Adjust the time between nodes in the Sculpture Morph Envelope
In MainStage, drag a handle to the left or right. As you drag, the overall length of the Morph Envelope changes, with all following nodes being moved.