Load and save Sampler instruments in MainStage
A sampler instrument is the file type that is loaded into Sampler with the plug-in Settings pop-up menu. When you choose a sampler instrument, the associated audio files are automatically located on the hard disk (or disks) and are loaded into your computer’s RAM.
In the MainStage Sampler plug-in header, click the plug-in Settings pop-up menu.
Browse to the instrument family, App Presets, or other folder, then choose the sampler instrument you want to play or edit.
In MainStage, do one of the following:
In the plug-in header, click the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows).
Use the Previous Instrument or Next Instrument key command.
If Sampler is in focus, you can also use the following key commands:
Previous Plug-in Setting or Instrument
Previous Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or Instrument
Next Plug-in Setting or Instrument
Next Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or Instrument
Tip: You can also browse through your sampler instruments by using your MIDI keyboard. You can assign a MIDI event, such as a MIDI note, control change, or program change to select the previous or next sampler instrument in Sampler settings.
You can use a keyword filter to restrict the plug-in Settings pop-up menu to show only instruments that contain your search term.
In the MainStage Sampler plug-in header, click the plug-in Settings pop-up menu.
Choose Search Filter…
A text entry dialog opens.
Enter your search term, then click OK or press Return. Enter “bass” to try this.
The Settings pop-up menu now displays only instruments that contain your search term.
Click the Settings pop-up menu, then browse to the instrument family, App Presets, or other folder, and choose the sampler instrument you want to play or edit.
Click Clear Search Filter to show all instruments in the Settings pop-up menu.
In MainStage, do one of the following:
Choose the Quick Sampler setting name from the Sampler plug-in Settings pop-up menu. Use the Load menu item to browse to the default location: ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Plug-In Settings/Quick Sampler.
The Quick Sampler sound is loaded as a group containing one or more zones. You can now edit, process, and handle the content as you would with any group or zone.
Choose Sampler from the Instrument pop-up menu on an instrument channel strip that contains a Quick Sampler instance.
This replaces Quick Sampler with Sampler on the channel strip, and the sound is automatically loaded as a group containing one or more zones.
Important: You cannot open a Sampler setting with Quick Sampler.
In MainStage, you can access all basic sampler instrument file operations using the commands in the plug-in Settings pop-up menu.
Save: Saves the currently loaded sampler instrument. When you create a new instrument and save it for the first time, you are asked to provide a name. If you have edited an existing sampler instrument and use this command, Sampler uses the existing filename and overwrites the original instrument. You can also use the Save Instrument key command.
Save As: Saves the currently loaded sampler instrument, but you are prompted to provide a different filename. Use this command when you want to save a copy or multiple versions of an edited sampler instrument, rather than overwriting the original version. Like the Save A Copy As command, this command may be useful when you want to save a Sampler setting (including audio data) that is unique to a specific project. Storing this in a location outside of the App Presets library or user folders may also be practical for sharing a copy of your Sampler setting (with or without audio data) with a colleague or friend.
In the Finder window, you can:
Browse to any folder location or create a new folder.
Click the “Save with audio data” checkbox to duplicate the samples and place them in a folder named after the Sampler setting file.
For example, the save location is the default User Library, the instrument files (.exs) are placed in the Sampler Instruments folder. The audio files are placed in a subfolder named after the plug-in setting. This subfolder is placed in a Samples folder. The original audio files are not touched or moved.
Click the Consolidated checkbox to consolidate the saved samples into a minimum number of audio files of the CAF file type. This option is available only when the “Save with audio data” checkbox is selected.
Save A Copy As: Saves a copy of the currently loaded sampler instrument. You are prompted to provide a different filename. Use this command when you want to save a copy or multiple versions of an edited sampler instrument, rather than overwriting the original version.
In the Finder window, you can:
Browse to any folder location or create a new folder.
Click the “Save A Copy with audio data” checkbox to duplicate the samples and place them in a folder named after the Sampler setting file.
For example, the save location is the default User Library, the instrument files (.exs) are placed in the Sampler Instruments folder. The audio files are placed in a subfolder named after the plug-in setting. This subfolder is placed in a Samples folder. The original audio files are not touched or moved.
Click the Consolidated checkbox to consolidate the saved samples into a minimum number of audio files of the CAF file type. This option is available only when the “Save A Copy with audio data” checkbox is selected.
Save As Default: Saves the currently loaded sampler instrument as the default instrument. This instrument serves as a template for future sampler instruments and is used when you create a new instrument. It is also used when you choose the Recall Default command in the plug-in Settings pop-up menu.