Edit video clips in Photos on iPad
You can use the iMovie video editing extension to easily make edits to video clips in the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad. Without leaving Photos, you can use the powerful iMovie editing tools to trim a video clip or add filters, titles, and music to it.
Show the iMovie editing tools
In Photos, tap the video clip you want to edit.
To show the editing tools below the viewer, tap Edit.
Tap the More Options button
, then tap iMovie in the list that appears.
If iMovie doesn’t appear, tap More to add iMovie to your list.
Trim a clip
In Photos, select a video clip and show the iMovie editing tools.
Tap the Trim button
, then drag either yellow trim handle to shorten or lengthen the clip.
When you’re finished making edits, tap Done to export your clip to your photo library.
Add a filter
In Photos, select a video clip and show the iMovie editing tools.
Tap the Filter button
, then tap a filter to preview it in the viewer.
To turn off filters, tap None.
When you’re finished making edits, tap Done to export your clip to your photo library.
Add a title
In Photos, select a video clip and show the iMovie editing tools.
Tap the Title button
, then tap to select a title style.
To turn off titles, tap None.
In the viewer, tap the sample title and type a title.
To move the title from the center position to the lower-third position, tap
When you’re finished making edits, tap Done to export your clip to your photo library.
Add background music or sounds
In Photos, select a video clip and show the iMovie editing tools.
Tap the Music button
, then tap Soundtracks or any of the listed categories.
To listen to the music before adding it, tap the item.
To pause, tap the Pause button
. To resume, tap the Play button
To add the music to your clip, tap the item, then tap Use.
To change the portion of the music clip to be added to your video clip, drag the music clip left or right.
This changes the start point and the end point.
Note: You can’t change the start point of a soundtrack.
When you’re finished making edits, tap Done to export your clip to your photo library.
Undo your edits
When you make edits to a video clip in Photos, the original clip is replaced by your edited version, but you can undo the changes and restore the original clip.
In Photos, select the video clip you edited.
Tap Edit.
Tap Revert.
Tap Revert to Original.
Important: You can’t undo this command.
To add your edited video clip to an iMovie project, see Add video clips and photos in iMovie on iPad.