Use Automator actions in Apple Configurator
You can create automated workflows for others to use when configuring devices. This approach is useful when you want to configure a large number of devices physically separated by a significant distance. You create a workflow using Automator, test it locally, and when you have it functioning the way you want, you can attach it to an email and send it to others. In this way, you ensure that devices configured outside your review are done according to the workflow you created.
Use Launchpad to open Automator
on your Mac.
Choose File > New and choose Workflow as the document type.
Select Utilities in the library of actions on the left.
Drag any of the Apple Configurator actions to the workflow area to view what they do.
Create your workflow, test it, then save it as either a workflow or an app.
The Apple Configurator Automator actions and their descriptions are listed below.
Action | Description |
Back up specified devices | Creates backup archives for the prepared devices whose unique identifiers (ECIDs) are passed to this action as input. A backup may be taken from a booted device only after it has exited Setup Assistant. The device backups are stored in the same location used by iTunes in macOS 10.14 and earlier and the Finder in macOS 10.15 and later. |
Choose connected devices | Returns a list of ECID identifiers to connected devices chosen by the user from a displayed list. |
Copy documents to devices | Adds the selected document files on the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Erase devices | Erases the content and settings on the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Get connected devices | Returns a list of ECID identifiers of the devices connected to this Mac. |
Install apps on devices | Adds the selected apps on the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Install profiles on devices | Adds the selected profile files to the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Install wallpaper on devices | Copies a JPEG file to the specified devices and sets it to be the default wallpaper, using the indicated parameters. |
New properties table for devices | Creates a Numbers document with the selected properties of devices. |
Prepare devices | Prepares the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Rename devices | Renames, in numeric sequence, the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Restore devices | Restores the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Restore devices from backups | Restores backups to the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |
Restore devices from a specified backup | Restores a single, specified backup to the devices whose identifiers are passed to this action as input. |