Change Zoom advanced options for accessibility on Mac
On your Mac, use the Advanced options of Zoom settings for accessibility to set appearance, control and focus options for the selected zoom style (Full Screen, Split Screen or Picture-in-Picture).
To change these settings, choose Apple menu in the sidebar, click Zoom on the right, then click Advanced. (You may need to scroll down.)
Open Zoom settings for accessibility for me
Appearance options
Option | Description |
Zoomed image moves | Choose how the zoomed image moves with the pointer:
Restore zoom factor on startup | Apply the current zoom factor whenever you turn on zoom or start up your Mac. |
Invert colours in split screen and picture-in-picture style | Invert the colours of the contents in the window. If the screen shows black on white, the zoom window shows white on black. |
Smooth images | Make zoomed screen images appear smooth. |
Flash screen when notification banner appears outside zoom view | Flash the screen when a notification arrives if the upper-right corner of the screen isn’t shown in the zoom area. |
Disable Universal Control while zoomed in | Temporarily disable Universal Control whenever you zoom in on the screen of your Mac, so that it’s easier to zoom in along the edge of the screen. See Use one keyboard and mouse to control Mac and iPad. |
Zoom each display independently | If you’re using Full Screen zoom with more than one display, you can zoom each display without affecting the zoom on your other displays. |
Keep picture-in-picture window stationary | Keep the zoom window in one location on the screen. |
Show zoomed image while screen sharing | If you zoom while sharing your screen, the people you’re sharing with also see your screen zoomed. Note: This option is available in macOS 15.1 or later. |
Controls options
Option | Description |
Use keyboard shortcuts to adjust zoom window | Change the size and position of the zoom window while working using the indicated keyboard shortcuts. |
Set range for rapid zooming in and out | Set the maximum and minimum levels of magnification. |
Follow Focus options
Option | Description |
Follow keyboard focus | Magnify the area of the screen that has the keyboard focus all the time, just when typing or never. |
Move screen image when focus item is | Move the screen image when the item that has keyboard focus is off-centre or is on or near an edge of the screen. |
Move screen image | When the keyboard focus changes to another item, move the screen image so the item is centred or move the screen image just enough to show the item. |
Movement speed | Adjust the speed at which the screen image moves to follow the keyboard focus |
Shortcuts options
To change these keyboard shortcuts, double-click the key combination shown, then type the keys you want to use.
Option | Description |
Toggle between full screen and picture-in-picture | Press the indicated keyboard shortcuts to switch between zoom styles. |
Move cursor to next monitor | If you’re using zoom with more than one display, press the indicated keyboard shortcut to move the pointer to the next display. The pointer moves to the last place it was located on that display. |
Use trackpad gesture to move cursor between monitors | If you’re using zoom with more than one display, use the chosen trackpad gesture to move the pointer between displays. Swipe in the direction of the display you want to move the pointer to. The pointer moves to the last place it was located on that display. |
Modifiers for Temporary Actions options
To change these modifier keys, double-click the key combination shown, then type the keys you want to use.
Option | Description |
Toggle zoom | Temporarily zoom in or out on the screen when you press and hold the modifier keys shown. |
Detach zoom view from pointer | If the screen is zoomed in, making it difficult to see information displayed under the pointer, press and hold the modifier keys shown to hide the pointer and move the zoom view without changing the location of the pointer. |
Disable panning | If you’re using Full Screen zoom with more than one display, press and hold the indicated modifier keys to keep the zoom window in place while you move the pointer to another display. |
Restore shortcuts and modifiers | Return all shortcuts and modifiers for temporary actions to their original key combinations. |