Rehearse a Keynote presentation on your Mac
If you plan to use an external display to show your presentation, you can use rehearse slideshow mode to set up the presenter display in advance, and to practise your presentation, without having the external display connected.
Note: If you already have the external display connected, simply play the presentation to rehearse.
Open the presentation, then click to select the first slide in the slide navigator.
Choose Play > Rehearse Slideshow (from the Play menu at the top of your screen).
The presenter display appears.
To customise the presenter display, move the pointer, then click
For more details on modifying the display, see Customise the presenter display.
To rehearse the presentation, do any of the following:
Go to the next slide or build: Press the Right Arrow key.
Go back a slide or reset the builds on the slide: Press the Left Arrow key.
Jump to a different slide: Press any number to make the slide navigator appear, enter the slide number, then press Return.
Open or close a list of keyboard shortcuts: Press ? on the keyboard. You can use the shortcuts to control your presentation.
To stop rehearsing, press Esc (Escape).