Move your iTunes library to another computer
If you get a new computer, you can transfer your iTunes library by connecting computers or by using iPod or a portable drive.
Consolidate your files in the iTunes folder
You can consolidate all the files in your library in the iTunes folder to make it easier to move your library to a new computer.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose File > Library > Organise Library, then select “Consolidate files”.
Files remain in their original locations, and copies are placed in the iTunes folder.
Back up your library and media files
Important: It’s highly recommended that you create a backup of your library.
By default, the iTunes Media folder is stored in your iTunes folder:
[User folder]\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Edit > Preferences, click Advanced, then in the “iTunes Media folder location” section, note the location of your iTunes Media folder.
Quit iTunes.
Navigate to your iTunes folder in File Explorer.
Drag the iTunes folder from its location to an external drive.
Restore from a backup
You can restore your iTunes library from your external drive to a computer. If you’re restoring an iTunes library from a different computer, make sure your new computer has the latest version of iTunes.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose File > Exit.
Locate your external drive (in File Explorer), then drag the iTunes folder you backed up earlier from your external drive to your internal drive.
Important: It’s highly recommended that you put the iTunes folder back in [User folder]\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media.
Press and hold the Shift key while you open iTunes (go to Start, then choose iTunes > iTunes).
Click Choose Library.
Choose the iTunes folder you dragged to your computer in step 2, click Open, then choose the iTunes Library.itl file inside.
Before you sell or give away a computer, don’t forget to de-authorise it (choose Account > Authorisations > De-authorise This Computer). See Authorise a PC to play iTunes purchases.