Pay for transit using iPhone
You can use your iPhone to pay for your fare with a payment card in Apple Pay or a transit card stored in the Wallet app . (Available for participating transit systems in certain countries and regions; see Where you can ride transit using Apple Pay.)

Add a transit card to Apple Wallet
Open the Wallet app
on your iPhone.
, then tap Transit Card.
Choose a transit card in the list, or search by location or card name.
Manage your transit card
In Wallet, tap your transit card, then tap
Do any of the following:
Add Money: Tap a preset or enter an amount, then tap Add.
Card Number: View your account number.
Card Details: View your account balance; turn on Service Mode to get help at stations and kiosks; turn Express Transit on or off; or remove the card from Wallet.
Notifications: Turn notifications on or off.
Pay for your ride with Express Transit
With Express Transit (available in certain countries or regions), you don’t need to authenticate with Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode, and you don’t need to wake or unlock your device or open an app.
If you have multiple cards for a transit network, set the default Express Transit card in Settings
> Wallet & Apple Pay > Express Transit Card.
By default, Express Transit is turned on when you add an eligible card.
As you approach a fare gate or board the bus, make sure your device is turned on (it doesn’t need to be connected to the internet).
Hold the top of your iPhone near the middle of the ticket gate scanner until you feel a vibration.
You might be able to use your Express Transit card even when your iPhone needs to be charged. See Use Express Mode with power reserve.
Pay for transit at a fare gate
If you’re not using Express Transit, do the following:
Make sure your device is turned on (it doesn’t need to be connected to the internet).
As you approach a fare gate or board a bus, do one of the following:
On an iPhone with Face ID: Double-click the side button, then glance at iPhone to authenticate with Face ID, or enter your passcode.
On an iPhone with Touch ID: With the Lock Screen showing on your device, double-click the Home button, then rest your finger on Touch ID.
Hold the top of your iPhone near the middle of the ticket gate scanner until you feel a vibration.