Make text and other items on the screen bigger on Mac
You can change the display resolution to make everything on the screen bigger, or increase the size of text and icons to make them easier to see.
Tip: If you have trouble finding the pointer on the screen, you can make it bigger too, or quickly locate it with a shake of your mouse. See Make the pointer easier to see.
Make everything on the screen bigger
You can adjust your display’s resolution to make everything on the screen appear larger.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Displaysin the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
On the right, select a resolution.
A lower resolution increases the size of everything on the screen.
Make text and icons bigger across apps and system features
You can use a single slider to adjust the preferred reading size for text across multiple apps, as well as on the desktop and in sidebars.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Accessibilityin the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Click Display on the right, go to Text, then click Text size. (You may need to scroll down.)
Drag the slider to the right to increase the text size on the desktop, in sidebars and in the listed apps (if they are set to Use Preferred Reading Size).
To set a different text size for any of the listed apps, click the pop-up menu next to the app, then choose a size.
Note: If an app is set to Customised in App, a unique text size has been set in that app’s settings. If you change the app’s text size in System Settings, it replaces the text size customisation you set in the app.
Tip: You can view a larger version of onscreen text when you move the pointer over it. See Use Hover Text.
Make text bigger for individual apps or system features
In many apps, you can adjust the reading size for text in just that app. You can also adjust the text size in desktop labels and sidebars.
In apps: In some apps, such as Mail, Messages and News, you can press Command-Plus (+) or Command-Minus (–) to adjust the text size as you read emails, messages and articles.
You can also use System Settings to set a preferred reading size for text in individual apps, such as Calendar, Mail and Messages. See Make text and icons bigger across apps and system features above.
In webpages: In Safari, press Command-Option-Plus (+) or Command-Option-Minus (–) to adjust the text size.
In file and folder names in the Finder: Choose View > Show View Options. Click the “Text size” pop-up menu, then choose a text size.
Note: You can’t change the text size in Gallery view. See Change how folders are displayed in the Finder.
In desktop labels: Control-click the desktop, choose Show View Options, click the “Text size” pop-up menu, then choose a text size.
In sidebars: Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Appearancein the sidebar (you may need to scroll down). Click the pop-up menu next to “Sidebar icon size” on the right, then choose Large.
Make icons bigger for individual apps or system features
You can adjust the icon size for items in the Finder, on the desktop or in sidebars.
In Finder windows: Choose View > Show View Options. In Icon view and List view, choose a larger icon size. In Gallery view, you can choose a larger thumbnail size.
Note: You can’t change the icon size in Column view. See Change how folders are displayed in the Finder.
On the desktop: Control-click the desktop, choose Show View Options, then drag the “Icon size” slider to the right.
In sidebars: Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Appearancein the sidebar (you may need to scroll down). Click the pop-up menu next to “Sidebar icon size” on the right, then choose Large.
You can also use your keyboard, mouse or trackpad to quickly zoom in and out on what’s onscreen.