Create an article with News Publisher
Create an article
Go to icloud.com, sign in, then click News Publisher.
Click Articles, then click Create Article.
In the article template, click the header image, then choose a header style—
for text on an image,
for text below an image, or
for text only.
If you chose a header with an image, drag an image file from your computer to the header.
Enter the name and other information for the article:
Article title: Type in the Title field. For best results, use a title between 80 and 110 characters. To make a two-line title, press Return where you want the title to break, then continue typing. The title becomes the article’s file name.
Subtitle (optional): Type in the Subtitle field.
Note: The subtitle appears in News as an excerpt below the article title. If you don’t add a subtitle, the News excerpt contains content from the article’s first paragraph.
Author name (optional): Type in the By Author Name field. You can add multiple names and separate them with commas, and, or ampersands (&).
Note: Clearly label—using a byline or co-byline—any content generated by or with AI. See AI-generated content in Apple News.
Type or paste the article content in to the Article field.
You can add as much content as you like. You can also format text with bold and italic; add pull quotes, images, and captions; and more.
To close the article, click the Articles button in the toolbar.
The article is saved automatically as you work and when you close it. You can return to the article at any time to edit it.
Format text
You can format the text in an article so it stands out. You can make text bold or italic, create pull quotes, and change the style of the font for the entire article.
Do any of the following:
Add bold or italic: Select the text, then click
in the menu that appears.
Create a pull quote: Select body text, then click
Change the font style of all text: Click Styling in the toolbar, then select a font set—Basic, Modern, or Classic, for example.
Note: When you choose another font set, existing formatting—bold, italic, and pull quotes—is retained.
Add a link to text
You can add links to your content that open webpages, a preaddressed email message, or other articles.
Do any of the following:
Enter a link as you type: Type a web or email address, then press the Space bar or Return key, or click outside the current text field.
Note: You can use shortened URLs—apple.com instead of http://www.apple.com, for example.
Create a link from selected text: Select body text or text in a pull quote, then click
. Type or paste a link in the field that appears, then click OK or press Return.
Edit a link: Select all or part of the link, then click
. Make your changes, then click OK.
Delete a link: Select the link, click
, then click
Add images and captions
When you add images to an article (other than the header image), a text field for a caption appears below the image.
In the article template, click in the body text where you want the image to appear, then drag the image from your computer to the text.
To enter a caption (optional), type in the caption field that appears below the image.
You can edit or delete the caption at any time.
Note: Clearly indicate that content isn’t authentic when using AI-generated or AI-augmented images, video, and audio. See AI-generated content in Apple News.
Replace, move, or delete an image
Do any of the following:
Replace an image: Drag an image from your computer to an image in the article.
Move an image: Drag the image to a new location. Text rearranges to accommodate the image.
Delete an image: Select the image, then click
Edit or delete a caption
Edit the caption: Click in the caption where you want to add content, or select the text you want to change, then type.
Delete the caption: Select all the text, then press Delete or Backspace.
Work with image galleries
Adding multiple images to the same place in an article creates an image gallery. The gallery displays images as a horizontal group that readers can swipe through. You can do any of the following:
Create an image gallery: Drag more than one image to the same place in an article—between two paragraphs, for example.
Add more images to the gallery: Drag images to the right or left of an existing image.
Rearrange the order of images: Drag images to a new position in the gallery.
Replace an image: Drag a new image on top of an existing image.
Move an image: Drag the image to a new location.
Delete an image: Select an image, then click
in the top-left corner of the image.
Delete the image gallery: Select the image gallery, then click
in the top-left corner of the gallery.
Add a caption: Click Gallery Caption below the gallery, then enter a caption.
You can use only one caption for the gallery.
Change the color palette of an article
You can change the color of an article’s background as well as its headline and pull-quote text.
Click Styling in the toolbar, then select a color set—Plain, Charcoal, or Blue, for example.
Undo or redo an action
Undo an action: Click
in the toolbar.
Redo an action: Click
in the toolbar.