Use automation with Mixer groups in Logic Pro for iPad
In Logic Pro for iPad, you can create Mixer groups by assigning a group of tracks or channel strips (for example, all drum tracks) to a specific group number. See Create Mixer groups.
When you adjust any control (for example, the Mute button or the Volume slider) on a track belonging to a group, that change applies to all group members. This group functionality also works with automation. Each Mixer group can be configured individually to determine which automation controls are linked between members of a Mixer group. See View and edit group settings.
Automation modes and automation parameters
Automation mode: When you choose an option from the Automation Mode pop-up menu on one track, all tracks in that group change to the same automation mode. See Automation modes.
Automation parameter: When you choose an option from the Automation Parameter pop-up menu on one track, all tracks in that group change to the same automation parameter. See Automation parameters.
Auto-select automation parameter: When you tap a control on one track (for example, the Volume slider), the Automation Parameter pop-up menus in all tracks switch to that automation parameter.
Editing automation graphically
In Automation view in the Tracks area, when you create or edit automation points or modify the automation curve on one track, those edits apply to all tracks in that group. See Automation drawing tools.
Writing automation in real time
When you write real-time automation for one track, that automation data is written to all tracks in that Mixer group. There are a few conditions on how the automation data is applied:
Relative change: When writing automation for a continuous control, such as volume, pan, send, or other sliders, it applies the automation as an offset to the original value.
Absolute change: When writing automation to a switch, such as the Mute button or an On/Off button, that status applies to all member tracks regardless of the original state of their buttons.
Existing automation: New automation overwrites any existing automation on any member tracks, applying it as an offset to the original value at the start of the new automation.
Note: When you write automation in a Mixer group, you create automation data on each member track. That means if you want to remove a track from a group later to further edit it individually, you can do so without affecting its automation data.
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