Expand and zoom your workspace in Keynote on Mac
You can extend the canvas around a slide to create more workspace. You can also zoom in or out on a slide, and you can enlarge the Keynote window to fill the entire screen.
Add workspace around a slide
To get more space to work with when creating a complex slide layout, you can expand the canvas around the slide. You can use this space to add and customize objects, and also to keep objects you want to move onto the slide during a presentation.
Go to the Keynote app
on your Mac.
Open a presentation, click Zoom in the toolbar, then deselect Auto-Center.
Note: If Fit Slide is already selected, you must deselect it (or change the zoom level) before you can change the Auto-Center setting.
Drag an object from the slide into the area beyond the slide.
As you drag the object, the canvas grows to accommodate it. You can expand the canvas to be as large as you want.
You can scroll around the canvas, or hold down the Space bar and drag to pan the canvas.
To see all the content on the slide and the extended canvas (as much as can fit on the screen), choose View > Zoom > Zoom to Fit Content (from the View menu at the top of your screen).
To turn off the extended canvas, click Zoom in the toolbar, then select Auto-Center.
Objects you placed on the canvas may be out of view, but you can select and edit them in the object list.
To see all the objects on the extended canvas again, click Zoom in the toolbar, deselect Auto-Center, then choose View > Zoom > Zoom to Fit Content.
When you reopen a presentation, Auto-Center is automatically selected, even if it was deselected when you closed the presentation. If you had content on the extended canvas, it may be out of view.
Zoom in or out on a presentation
You can enlarge (zoom in) or reduce (zoom out) your overall view of a slide and the surrounding workspace. For example, you can zoom in to focus on the cells of table or zoom out to work on the layout of your slide.
Go to the Keynote app
on your Mac.
Open a presentation, then click the Zoom pop-up menu in the toolbar.
Select an option:
A percentage: The slide enlarges or reduces accordingly.
Fit Slide: The slide adjusts to fill the window.
If you enlarge or reduce the size of the Keynote window, the zoom level changes so that the slide always fills the window.
Note: This option turns off the extended canvas, and content there may disappear from view. To see it again, click Zoom in the toolbar and deselect Fit Slide. Click Zoom again and deselect Auto-Center, then choose View > Zoom > Zoom to Fit Content (from the View menu at the top of your screen).
To quickly zoom in or out, choose View > Zoom > Zoom In to enlarge a slide or View > Zoom > Zoom Out to reduce it. You can choose these commands multiple times to reduce a slide to 10 percent or enlarge it to 400 percent.
View Keynote in full screen
You can expand the Keynote window to fill the entire screen.
Go to the Keynote app
on your Mac.
Open a presentation, then do one of the following:
Click the green button in the top-left corner of the Keynote window.
Choose View > Enter Full Screen (from the View menu at the top of your screen).
To see the Keynote menu and other menu bar controls, move the pointer to the top of the screen.
To return to regular view, move the pointer to the top of the screen, then click the green button or choose View > Exit Full Screen.
Open presentations in separate windows in full screen
When you open multiple presentations in full screen, they open in tabs instead of in separate windows. You move between the presentations by clicking the tabs in the tab bar. To have all presentations (including documents and spreadsheets) open in separate windows instead, choose
Open presentations in tabs
When you work in multiple presentations, it’s helpful to open them in tabs rather than in separate windows—that way, you can move between them by clicking the tabs in the tab bar. When you want to view two presentations at the same time, you can easily move a presentation out of a tab.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Desktop & Dock in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)Go to Windows, click the pop-up menu next to “Prefer tabs when opening documents,” then choose Always or In Full Screen.
This setting applies not just to Keynote, but also to documents in other applications such as TextEdit, Numbers, and Pages.
Go to the Keynote app
on your Mac, then open two or more presentations.
As you open presentations, their titles appear in tabs below the Keynote toolbar.
Do any of the following:
View a different presentation: Click the tab with the presentation’s title.
Close a presentation: Move the pointer over the presentation’s tab, then click the
in the corner of the tab.
Add an open presentation to the tab bar: Drag the presentation onto the tab bar.
Move an open presentation out of the tab bar: Drag a tab to the side of the Keynote window to open the presentation in its own Keynote window.
Note: If you already have multiple presentations open in separate windows and you want to merge them into a single window with tabs, choose Window > Merge All Windows.
Close a presentation
Do one of the following:
Close a presentation but keep Keynote open: Click the red close button in the top-left corner of the Keynote window, or press Command-W.
Close the presentation and quit Keynote: Choose Keynote > Quit Keynote (from the Keynote menu at the top of your screen). All of your changes are saved.