Send projects to Final Cut Pro from iMovie on Mac
When you send a movie to Final Cut Pro, the project file and the media used in the project are copied to your Final Cut Pro library.
Only a movie project can be sent to Final Cut Pro. If you want to send a trailer, you must first convert it to a movie. For more information, see Convert a trailer to a movie in iMovie on Mac.
If a movie that you send to Final Cut Pro contains a clip with the “Lower volume of other clips” audio effect, that adjustment appears in Final Cut Pro as the Gain filter. For more information about the effect, see “Lower the volume of other clips that play at the same time” in Add audio effects in iMovie on Mac.
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, do one of the following:
Select the project in Projects view, or double-click the project to open it.
With the project open, click anywhere in the timeline.
Note: If you can’t find the project you’re looking for, verify that the correct library is selected.
Choose File > Send Movie To Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro opens. A new library appears in Final Cut Pro with the name of your iMovie library, and a new event within that library contains the movie project you sent.
For more information about using Final Cut Pro, see the Final Cut Pro User Guide.