Consolidate projects and events in iMovie on Mac
In the course of creating a movie or trailer, you might use clips and photos outside of your library, especially if a storage device that contains media or iMovie libraries is attached to your Mac. If the media in a movie, a trailer, or an event is located outside your iMovie library, you can consolidate all the media in one location (either on your Mac or on a connected storage device) by copying the media to your iMovie library.
Collect the source media files for a library or an event in one location
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, do one of the following:
Consolidate source media for a library: Select a library in the Libraries list, and then choose File > Consolidate Library Media.
Consolidate source media for an event: Select one or more events in the Libraries list, and then choose File > Consolidate Event Media.
In the window that appears, click OK.
If a message appears stating that there is nothing to consolidate, all of your media files are already consolidated in one location.
Collect the source media files for a movie or a trailer in one location
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, do one of the following:
If the project is not open: Click the Projects button in the toolbar.
If the project is open: Click the Projects back button in the upper-left of the toolbar.
Select the project you want to consolidate, then choose File > Consolidate Project Media.
In the window that appears, click OK.
If a message appears stating that there is nothing to consolidate, all of your media files are already consolidated in one location.
The project media is consolidated into the open library.