Add a legend, grid lines and other markings in Pages on iPhone
There are several types of graph markings and axis labels you can add to your graphs. You can modify their look to emphasise your data, you can style the graph title and value label text differently to make them stand out from the other text.
Tap the graph, then tap .
Tap Graph, then turn on Legend.
If you can’t see Legend, swipe up from the bottom of the controls.
Tap the legend to select it, then do any of the following:
Change the style of the legend text: Tap Style below the Legend button, then adjust text and fill attributes.
Resize the legend: Drag the green dots around the legend.
Reposition the legend: Drag the legend to where you want it.
Tip: To position the legend more precisely, select it, then press the arrow keys on the keyboard. To move the legend in larger increments, press and hold the shift key while you press the arrow keys.
Axis lines define the edge of the graph, sometimes also marking the zero value, like an inner border. Evenly spaced gridlines cross the graph and provide a visual reference for large increments in the values. You can specify whether to show graph axis lines and gridlines and modify their look.
Tap the graph, then tap .
Tap Style, tap Gridlines, then do any of the following:
Set the axis line type: Tap Line Type, then select a solid, dashed or dotted line type.
If you’re working with a radar chart, you can also tap Radial Lines (below Category) and select a line type.
Set the axis line colour: Tap the colour well, then choose a colour.
Set the axis line width: Type a value, or tap the – or + button.
Set the number and look of major gridlines: Tap Major Gridlines for the Value or Category axis. Turn on Gridlines. Next to Major Steps, type a value or tap the – or + button to adjust. You can also define the line type, colour and width and add a shadow.
Set the number and look of minor gridlines: Tap Minor Gridlines for the Value or Category axis. Turn on Gridlines. Next to Minor Steps, type a value or tap the – or + button to adjust. You can also define the line type, colour and width and add a shadow.
Show ticks: Tap Tick Marks, then choose whether tick marks are inside, outside or centred.
Note: These options vary depending on the type of graph and data.
To remove gridlines, tap , then turn off Major and/or Minor Gridlines for the Value or Category axis.
You can add reference lines to a graph to mark the average, median, minimum and maximum values. Reference lines make a graph easier to interpret at a glance and can help you compare the values in the graph to a benchmark value.
All chart types can have reference lines except stacked charts, 2-axis charts, 3D charts, pie charts, doughnut charts and radar charts. A graph can have up to five reference lines.
Tap the graph.
Tap , then tap Graph.
Tap Add Reference Line, then tap any of the following:
Average: A line that runs through the mean value of the data
Median: A line that runs through the middle value of the data
Minimum: A line that runs through the lowest value of the data
Maximum: A line that runs through the highest value of the data
Custom: A line that runs through the value you enter in the Custom section
To clarify what the reference line represents, tap to turn on Show Name and Show Value.
To change the settings for a reference line, tap the name of the line, then use the controls in the panel.
You can hide, show and change the line’s name or value, change its style and colour, and add a shadow.
To remove a reference line, tap the graph, tap , tap Reference Lines, tap the name of the reference line, then tap Remove Line.
Note: When you drag the slider on an interactive graph to view different data sets, its reference lines move.
Error bars give a general impression of your data’s accuracy. They’re represented as small marks whose length indicates the amount of uncertainty associated with a given data series (the data’s variability). You can add them to 2D line graphs, area graphs, bar and column graphs, stacked bar and column graphs, bubble charts and scatter plots.
Tap the graph, tap , then tap Graph.
Tap Error Bars, then choose an option.
Use the controls to change the look of the error bars.
To remove error bars, tap Error Bars, then choose None.
Trendlines show you the overall direction (or trend) of your data. Trendlines appear in bar, line, scatter, bubble, column and area graph.
Tap the graph, tap , then tap Graph.
Tap Trendlines, then choose the type of line you want to add.
Use the controls to change the look of the trendline.
To remove trendlines, tap the graph, tap , tap Graph, tap Trendlines, tap Type, then choose None.