Set up and view an iTunes Store account in Music on Mac
To buy items in the iTunes Store, you need an Apple ID. If you don’t have one, you can set one up using Music. You already have an Apple ID if you joined Apple Music or have an iCloud account.
Sign into the iTunes Store
When you have an Apple ID, you can sign into the iTunes Store to buy music, view or change your account information, and see your purchase history.
In the Music app
on your Mac, choose Account > Sign In.
If you already signed into Podcasts or the Apple TV app, you’re automatically signed into Music.
Do one of the following:
Sign in with your Apple ID: Enter your Apple ID and password, then click Next.
Create an Apple ID: Click Create Apple ID and follow the onscreen instructions.
To sign out, choose Account > Sign Out.
See the Apple Support articles Sign in with your Apple ID and Two-factor authentication for Apple ID.
Change your account information
You can change your Apple ID name, password, or billing information at any time.
In the Music app
on your Mac, sign in to the iTunes Store if you’re not already signed in with your Apple ID.
Choose Account > Account Settings.
Do any of the following:
Change your Apple ID name or password: Click “Edit at appleid.apple.com.”
Change your payment information: Click Manage Payments.
Change your billing address: Click Edit.
Change your country or region: Click Change Country or Region.
Change your computer authorisations: Click De-authorise All. See Authorise a Mac to play iTunes Store purchases.
Make your changes, then click Done.
Your changes take effect immediately, and apply to all apps in which you use your Apple ID.
See the Apple Support articles Add a payment method to your Apple ID and If you need to change or update your Apple ID payment method.
View your purchase history
Music you purchase from the iTunes Store is added to the Purchased playlist in Music.
In the Music app
on your Mac, sign in to the iTunes Store if you’re not already signed in with your Apple ID.
Choose Account > Account Settings, then click See All (below Purchase History) in the Account Information window.
You see your most recent purchases at the top.
For more details about your purchases, do any of the following:
View details about a specific purchase: Click the More link below the price.
View details about earlier or later purchases: Choose various timeframes from the pop-up menu, such as Last 90 Days.
See the Apple Support article View your purchase history for the App Store, iTunes Store and other Apple media services.
If your purchase history seems incorrect, or you believe you’ve been charged for an item you didn’t buy, visit the Billing and Subscriptions website.