Ultrabeat trigger shortcut menu in MainStage
Control-click (or right-click) any of the trigger buttons to open the Trigger shortcut menu, which contains the following commands:
Copy, Paste, and Clear commands
In MainStage:
Copy: Copies all activated triggers (steps) to the Clipboard.
Paste: Pastes all triggers from the Clipboard.
Clear: Turns off all activated triggers.
Create Beat commands
Add Every Downbeat: Adds triggers on every downbeat in the sequence. The determination of steps as downbeats depends on the grid resolution. For example, if the resolution is set to 1/16, Add Every Downbeat would create triggers on every fourth step. Starting with the initial downbeat at step 1, this would create trigger events on step 5, step 9, step 13, and so on. This command doesn’t erase existing trigger events; it only adds trigger events.
Add Every Upbeat: Adds triggers on every upbeat in the sequence. The determination of steps as upbeats depends on the grid resolution. For example, if the resolution is set to 1/16, Add Every Upbeat would create triggers on every 4th step. Starting with the initial upbeat at step 3, this would create trigger events on step 7, step 11, step 15, and so on. This command doesn’t erase existing trigger events; it only adds trigger events.
Alter, Reverse, and Shift commands
Alter Existing Randomly: Randomly reorders steps while retaining the number of active triggers.
Reverse Existing: Reverses the order of existing steps.
Shift Left 1 Step: Shifts all steps in the sequence one step to the left.
Shift Left 1/2 Beat: Shifts all steps in the sequence one-half beat to the left. The number of steps that equals one-half of a beat depends on the current grid resolution. For example, at a resolution of 1/16, a beat equals four steps, so half of one beat is two steps; at a resolution of 1/8, a beat equals two steps, so half of one beat equals one step, and so on.
Shift Left 1 Beat: Shifts all steps in the sequence one beat to the left. The number of steps that equals a beat depends on the current grid resolution. For example, at a resolution of 1/16, a beat equals four steps; at a resolution of 1/8, a beat equals two steps, and so on.
Shift Right 1 Step: Shifts all steps in the sequence one step to the right.
Shift Right 1/2 Beat: Shifts all steps in the sequence one-half beat to the right. The number of steps that equals one-half of a beat depends on the current grid resolution. For example, at a resolution of 1/16, a beat equals four steps, so half of one beat is two steps; at a resolution of 1/8, a beat equals two steps, so one half of one beat is one step, and so on.
Shift Right 1 Beat: Shifts all steps in the sequence one beat to the right. The number of steps that equals a beat depends on the current grid resolution. For example, at a resolution of 1/16, a beat equals four steps; at a resolution of 1/8, a beat equals two steps, and so on.
Create and Replace commands
Create & Replace Randomly: Erases, then randomly creates new, steps in the sequence; in other words, a brand new sequence is created. The number of events that are created depends on the grid resolution.
Create & Replace Few: Similar to Create & Replace Randomly, but a limited number of new steps are created. The number of steps that are created depends on the grid resolution.
Create & Replace Some: Similar to Create & Replace Few, but more new steps are created. The number of steps created depends on the grid resolution.
Create & Replace Many: Similar to Create & Replace Some, but a large number of new steps are created, effectively filling the pattern.
For example, start with an empty sequence of 32 steps at 1/16 resolution. Using Create & Replace Few creates 4 new steps; using Create & Replace Some creates 8 new steps; and using Create & Replace Many creates 16 new steps.