Vintage Electric Piano Drive in MainStage
Electric pianos sound best when played through tube amplifiers. Tube amplifiers offer a wide range of tones—from the subtle warmth or crunch of guitar amplifiers to psychedelic, screaming rock distortions. The Vintage Electric Piano Drive effect simulates the saturation characteristics of a tube amplifier stage. The Drive effect is the first signal processing circuit in the Vintage Electric Piano effects chain.

Drive effect parameters
On/off button: Turn the Drive effect on or off.
Drive mode switch: Switch between two types of distortion effect.
Gain knob and field: Set the amount of harmonic distortion.
Tone knob and field: Equalize the sound before amplification or distortion by the virtual tube amplifier circuit.
Use low Tone values to set a mellow tonal color. If the sound becomes too soft, boost the treble portion of your sound with the EQ Treble control.
Use higher Tone values for harsh distortion characteristics, typical of overdriven transistor stages. If the sound is too aggressive, suppress the treble portion of your sound with the EQ Treble control.