Report traffic incidents in Maps on iPhone
In the U.S., you can report accidents, hazards, and speed checks in the Maps app (iOS 14.5 or later). You can also report that accidents and hazards have cleared.
Note: Incident reporting is currently available only in the U.S. and China. See the iOS and iPadOS Feature Availability website.
Report an incident
Ask Siri. Say something like:
“Report an accident”
“There’s something on the road”
“There’s a speed check here”
Or with turn-by-turn driving directions showing, you can tap the route card at the bottom of the screen, tap Report, then tap Accident, Hazard, or Speed Check.

To report an incident when you aren’t following turn-by-turn directions, you can do the following:
in the upper-right corner of the map, then tap Report an Issue.
Tap Accident, Hazard, or Speed Check.
Optionally, do any of the following to provide more information:
Include a photo of the incident: Tap Add Photo.
Add a description: Tap “Add more information about the incident,” then use the keyboard to enter a description, or tap
to speak a description.
Refine the location: Tap the map, then drag it to move the incident marker. (You can tap Map, Transit, or Satellite at the bottom of the screen to change the view.)
Tap Submit.
Apple evaluates incoming incident reports. When there’s a high level of confidence in the reports, incident markers for Accident, Hazard and, in China, Road Work are displayed in Maps for other users too.
Note: Speed checks are not displayed with incident markers. Instead, notifications for speed checks appear when you follow turn-by-turn directions (U.S. only).
Report on the status of a hazard or accident
A map may display hazard and accident
markers. When you’re near the incidents, you can report their status (U.S. only).
Ask Siri. Say something like “The hazard is gone” or “Clear the accident.” Learn how to ask Siri.
Or without asking Siri, you can do the following:
Tap the incident marker.
Tap Cleared or Still Here.
Note: You can’t clear reports of speed checks.
Apple evaluates incoming incident reports. When there’s a high level of confidence in reports that an incident has been cleared, its incident marker is removed from Maps.
Note: Apple is committed to keeping personal information safe and private. To learn more, go to Settings > Maps, then tap About Apple Maps and Privacy.