Get turn-by-turn directions with CarPlay
Use Siri or open Maps to get turn-by-turn directions, traffic conditions, and estimated travel time (not available in all regions).
Note: To get directions, iPhone must be connected to the internet, and Location Services must be on. (See Control the location information you share on iPhone.)

Find a route
CarPlay generates likely destinations using addresses from your email, text messages, contacts, and calendars—as well as places you frequent. You can also search for a location, use locations you saved as favorites and in collections, and find nearby attractions and services.
Ask Siri. Say something like:
“Find a gas station”
“Give me directions home”
“Take me to the Golden Gate Bridge”
“Find a charging station”
“Find coffee near me”
Or you can use your vehicle’s built-in controls to open Maps in CarPlay and select a route.
Note: If you’re viewing CarPlay Dashboard and Maps doesn’t appear in the recent apps list on the left, tap to see pages of all of your CarPlay apps, including Maps.
With Maps open in CarPlay, do one of the following:
Select a place you saved as a favorite. (See Save favorite places in Maps on iPhone.)
Select Destinations, then select a recent destination or scroll to select a destination you saved in a collection. (See Organize places in My Guides in Maps on iPhone.)
Select Search, then select
to speak a search phrase, or select
to use the onscreen keyboard (if available). You can also select a destination from a category of nearby services, such as Parking or Restaurants.
If multiple routes appear, use your vehicle’s controls to select the route you prefer.
To call your destination before you leave, select
To start turn-by-turn directions, select Go.
Maps shows directions from your current location.
When you arrive at your destination and exit your vehicle, a parked car marker appears in Maps on iPhone so you can easily find your way back to your vehicle.
Follow turn-by-turn directions
As CarPlay follows your progress, it speaks turn-by-turn directions to your destination.
Do any of the following at any time during your trip:
End directions at any time: Say something to Siri like “Stop navigating,” or select the estimated time of arrival (ETA) display at the bottom left, then choose End Route.
Mute turn-by-turn directions: Select the ETA display, then choose Mute.
Make a quick detour: Say something to Siri like “Find a gas station.” Or select the ETA display, select Search, select a suggested service, then choose a destination.
Share your ETA: Select the ETA display at the bottom left, select Share ETA, then choose one or more suggested contacts.
People using devices with iOS 13.1, iPadOS 13.1, or later receive a Maps notification with your ETA, and they can track your progress in Maps. People using devices with earlier versions receive the notification through iMessage. People using other mobile devices receive an SMS message. (Standard carrier data and text rates may apply.)
To stop sending ETA information, select Sharing ETA at the bottom of the CarPlay screen, then choose a contact.
Switch between showing only the next turn or turn guidance: Tap the turn directions in the top left. The ETA Only display shows only your next turn, which may be all you want when you’re familiar with the route. The Guidance display provides additional information to help you navigate.
Note: For navigation apps that support the CarPlay Dashboard, Dashboard shows the last navigation app opened if no apps are navigating, the one that is actively navigating, or the last opened and actively navigating app if multiple apps are navigating.