Keynote User Guide for Mac
- Welcome
- What’s new in Keynote 14.2
- Change object transparency
- Fill shapes and text boxes with color or an image
- Add a border to an object
- Add a caption or title
- Add a reflection or shadow
- Use object styles
- Resize, rotate, and flip objects
- Move and edit objects using the object list
- Add linked objects to make your presentation interactive
- Send a presentation
- Intro to collaboration
- Invite others to collaborate
- Collaborate on a shared presentation
- See the latest activity in a shared presentation
- Change a shared presentation’s settings
- Stop sharing a presentation
- Shared folders and collaboration
- Use Box to collaborate
- Create an animated GIF
- Post your presentation in a blog
- Use iCloud Drive with Keynote
- Export to PowerPoint or another file format
- Reduce the presentation file size
- Save a large presentation as a package file
- Restore an earlier version of a presentation
- Move a presentation
- Delete a presentation
- Password-protect a presentation
- Lock a presentation
- Create and manage custom themes
- Copyright
Look up words in Keynote on Mac
You can quickly look up the definition and spelling of words. Some listings also include a thesaurus entry and a Wikipedia entry.
Control-click the word, then choose “Look up [word]” in the shortcut menu that opens.
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