Keyboard shortcuts in News on Mac
In Apple News on your Mac, quickly accomplish many tasks using keyboard shortcuts.
Action | Shortcut |
Suggest more stories like the one you’re currently reading | Command-L |
Suggest fewer stories like the one you’re currently reading | Command-D |
Save or unsave a story | Command-S |
Follow or unfollow the current channel or topic | Shift-Command-L |
Block or unblock the current channel or topic | Shift-Command-D |
Copy the link for the current story | Option-Command-C |
Refresh a feed to show the latest stories | Command-R |
Show or hide the sidebar | Option-Command-S |
Show the table of contents for a magazine | Command-T |
Zoom in | Command-Plus Sign (+) |
Zoom out | Command-Minus Sign (-) |
Make the text bigger | Option-Command-Plus Sign (+) |
Make the text smaller | Option-Command-Minus Sign (-) |
Reset content to its actual size | Command-0 (zero) |
Close the current story or issue and return to the most recent feed | Command-[ |
Move to the next story or page | Right Arrow |
Move to the previous story or page | Left Arrow |
Move to the top of a feed or story | Command-Up Arrow |
Move to the bottom of a feed or story | Command-Down Arrow |