OS X Server (Mountain Lion): Configuring Web realm access for Active Directory or LDAP accounts
The Web service with realms uses HTTP Digest authentication by default to provide secure access to the realms. Learn how to enable basic authentication over SSL to support user accounts defined in Active Directory or third-party LDAP Servers.
You should make a backup copy of the /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/WebConfigProperties.plist file prior to editing it.
Stop the Web service in Server app.
Recommended: Acquire and install a trusted SSL certificate, then use Server app to configure Web Service to use the certificate. You can use the server's default, self-signed certificate for web access, but web browsers may warn that the certificate is "invalid".
Using root access and the guidelines in How to edit configuration files, edit the /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/WebConfigProperties.plist .
<key>RealmAuthType</key> <string>Digest</String>
Change Digest to Basic. This makes realm access use Basic authentication, which is required for Active Directory and LDAP users.
Start the Web service.
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