Preserve or migrate data for Apple Configurator

Learn how to back up and restore data from Apple Configurator.

You might need to reinstall macOS on your Apple Configurator workstation or migrate to a new workstation. Here’s how to make sure you can continue to supervise the same iOS devices.

Back up your data

Before you reinstall macOS or move to a new workstation, back up your Apple Configurator data:

  1. On your workstation, open Apple Configurator.

  2. From the Apple Configurator menu, choose Preferences.

  3. Click Organizations.

  4. Select your organization, click the gear buttonGear icon, then choose Export Organization.

  5. Enter a password to secure the organization file.

  6. Enter a filename and a location to save the file, then click Save.

Keep the organization file in a secure location until you are ready to restore your data.

Restore your data

When you reinstall macOS or set up your new workstation, follow these steps to import your organization data:

  1. On your workstation, open Apple Configurator.

  2. From the Apple Configurator menu, choose Preferences.

  3. Click Organizations.

  4. Select your organization, click the gear buttonGear icon, then choose Import Organization.

  5. Select the organization file that you saved, then click Import.

  6. Enter the password that you used to secure the file, then click Submit.

Now you can continue to supervise devices that were set up on the original workstation.

Back up other data

If you need to preserve other data, like Blueprints or iOS software images, back up and restore these folders:

Blueprints or iOS software images

~/Library/Group Containers/



Device backups

~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

Device trust and pairing information



Configuration profiles

Path is selected at save and can vary.

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