इस कंट्रोल को संशोधित करने से यह पृष्ठ पुनः लोड हो जाएगा

Import and preview captions in Compressor
In a standard transcoding job in Compressor, you can add a single set of CEA-608 closed captions, iTT subtitles, or SRT subtitles by adding a .scc file, a .itt file, or a .srt file to the job. If a source video file already has embedded CEA-608 closed captions, when you add the source file to a batch, Compressor extracts the .scc data for you.
Note: In an iTunes Store package, you can add multiple CEA-608 closed caption sets and multiple iTT subtitle sets (in several different languages, for example). For information about adding closed captions and subtitles to iTunes Store packages, see Build iTunes Store packages using Compressor.
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