Find receipts, documents, recently edited photos, and more on Mac
In the Photos app, you can find collections of photos and videos in Utilities in the sidebar. You can easily revisit photos you recently edited, saved, viewed, or shared, or find collections of photos based on the content of the photo—like documents, receipts, handwriting, and illustrations.
Find receipts, QR codes, and more in Utilities
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Utilities in the sidebar, then click the collection you want to view.
Note: Some Utilities collections, like Hidden and Recently Deleted, are locked by default for your privacy. To learn more, see Hide photos and videos from view.
Find recovered items and save or delete them
If a photo or video wasn’t saved properly and couldn’t be added to your library, you may find a copy of it in the Recovered collection in Utilities.
Note: The Recovered collection appears in Utilities only if you have photos or videos that have been recovered.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Utilities in the sidebar, then click Recovered.
Control-click an item, then choose Permanently Delete or Restore to Library.
Important: When you delete a recovered photo or video, it’s deleted permanently. You can’t recover photos that you delete from the Recovered collection in Utilities.