Outer Glow filter in Motion
Adds a glow to the alpha channel of an image. The result is a glow around the outside of the image that leaves the interior unaffected.

Adjust this filter using the parameter controls in the Filters Inspector:
Radius: Sets the size of the glow.
Brightness: Sets the brightness of the glow.
Inner Color: Picks the inner color of the glow. Click the disclosure triangle to display Red, Green, and Blue sliders for more precise color selection.
Outer Color: Picks the outer color of the glow.
Range: Sets the gradient position between the glow colors.
Horizontal: Sets the amount of horizontal glow.
Vertical: Sets the amount of vertical glow.
Crop: Sets whether the filtered image is sharply cropped at its original boundaries. When this checkbox is deselected, the filter affects the edges of the image.
Mix: Sets the percentage of the original image that’s blended with the filtered image.
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