You can manually adjust HDR media in Motion in the following ways:
Use the HDR Tools filter to convert HDR or SDR media from one color space to another. This method is usually only necessary for converting media in projects with Standard Gamut SDR or Wide Gamut HDR color processing.
Use the Media Inspector to assign or correct a media file’s color profile.
In the Layers list in Motion, select an HDR image or clip.
In the toolbar, click Filters, then choose Color > HDR Tools.
In the Filters Inspector, click the Mode pop-up menu, then choose an adjustments option:
SDR to 100% HDR (HLG): Converts Rec. 709 SDR media to full HDR HLG luminance levels.
SDR to 75% HDR (HLG): Converts Rec. 709 SDR media to partial HDR HLG luminance levels.
SDR to HDR (PQ): Converts Rec. 709 SDR media to full HDR PQ luminance levels.
HLG to Rec. 709 SDR: Converts HLG media to Rec. 709 SDR luminance levels.
PQ to Rec. 709 SDR: Converts PQ media to Rec. 709 SDR luminance levels.
HLG to PQ (Rec. 2100): Converts HLG media to PQ luminance levels. Maintains the brightness at a level you set in the Peak Brightness slider (in accordance with Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-1) when applied to HLG media in PQ projects.
PQ to HLG (Rec. 2100): Converts PQ media to HLG luminance levels. Maintains the brightness at a level you set in the Peak Brightness slider (in accordance with Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-1) when applied to PQ media in HLG projects.
HDR to Rec. 709 SDR: Converts HDR media (such as PQ, HLG, or log media that has been color-corrected in HDR) to Rec. 709 SDR luminance levels.
PQ Output Tone Map: Reduces the brightness of PQ media to the level you set in the Peak Brightness slider (described below), and applies a soft rolloff to the highlights so they don’t clip abruptly. Use this setting in PQ projects only, and apply it as the last effect.
When you choose certain Mode settings, the Peak Brightness slider becomes available. Use the slider to set a clip’s maximum luminance on a display to a specific level or to set the nominal peak luminance of a display:
When Mode is set to SDR to HDR (PQ), the Peak Brightness slider sets the nominal peak luminance of an HDR display on which SDR content is displayed. For example, if you want to convert an SDR clip to HDR PQ and want the resulting PQ clip to look identical to an HDR clip on a 1000-nit display, set the Peak Brightness slider to 1000.
When Mode is set to PQ to Rec. 709 SDR, the Peak Brightness slider sets the nominal peak luminance of an SDR display on which PQ content is displayed.
When Mode is set to HLG to PQ (Rec. 2100) or PQ to HLG (Rec. 2100), the Peak Brightness slider sets the nominal peak luminance of an HDR display on which HLG content is displayed. For example, if you want to convert an HLG clip to PQ and want the resulting PQ clip to look identical to an HLG clip on a 1000-nit display, set the Peak Brightness slider to 1000.
When Mode is set to PQ Output Tone Map, the Peak Brightness slider sets the number of nits to which the output of the filter is limited. For example, if you want to limit your clip to 1,000 nits peak, set Peak Brightness to 1000.
Tip: For the most accurate results when using the HDR Tools filter, keep the Mix setting at 100%.
For projects with Standard Gamut SDR or Wide Gamut HDR color processing, you can use the HDR Tools filter on any of the following kinds of wide-gamut HDR images:
MOV or MXF files that were encoded using the HLG or PQ standard, such as media originating from a camera or media exported from Motion, Final Cut Pro, Compressor, or another app.
A source file that is not HLG or PQ (it could be RAW, for example) to which a LUT filter has been applied (before application of the HDR Tools filter) to output HLG or PQ video.
A video clip that has been set to either PQ or HLG. For example, you might modify a PQ project (a project configured for Rec. 2020 PQ), and then export the project as a movie and place it in an HLG project. For information about wide-gamut HDR project settings, see Set the color processing method.
Note: If you’re working in a project with Automatic color processing, the effect of applying the HDR Tools filter is additive to any existing tone mapping or conversion in the project.
If a media file is not tagged or is tagged incorrectly prior to importing into Motion, you can manually set its color profile in the Media pane of the Inspector.
In Motion, open the Media list, then select the image or clip.
In the Media Inspector, click the Color Space Override pop-up menu, then choose an option.
The options vary depending on the selected file. Rec. 601, Rec. 709, and Rec. 2020, Rec. 2020 HLG, and Rec. 2020 PQ are available for most files.
Note: Overriding a media file’s color space may affect how a project with Automatic color processing converts the file.