Enter symbols
The Japanese dictionary contains symbols in addition to kanji, so you can type the reading for a symbol, then perform a conversion to enter the symbol. You can also enter some symbols using keyboard shortcuts.
Enter symbols using kana and performing a conversion
Enter a symbol’s reading.
For example, while using the Hiragana input mode, type “maru” (まる).
To perform the conversion, press the Space bar.
To see all the conversion candidates, press the Space bar until the Candidate window appears, then click Symbols.
To confirm the candidate, press the Return key.
If the Candidate window is open, select a candidate in the window, then press the Return key.
For more information about using the Candidate window, see Use the Candidate window.
Enter symbols using shortcuts
The result of a shortcut depends on the input mode you’re using.
Press the Option key and a number.
Result using Romaji input mode
Result using Hiragana input mode
Press Option-Shift and a number.
Result using Romaji input mode
Result using Hiragana input mode
You can also press Option-Semicolon (;) to enter “…” when using the Romaji or Hiragana input mode.