If iTunes can’t connect to the Internet on PC
There may be several reasons why iTunes can’t connect to the Internet.
There may be a problem with your computer’s Internet connection. Make sure your modem is connected and shows an active Internet connection, and that you have at least one active network connection.
View your network connections
On your PC, click Start, then click Control Panel.
Click Internet Connections.
Right-click the network interface you want to enable, then choose Enable.
Click Start, then click Turn Off Computer.
Click Restart.
Check for routers
If you have a cable or DSL connection, check whether you have any routers between your computer and your modem. Try connecting your computer directly to your cable or DSL modem and try to connect to http://www.apple.com.
Note: Cable and DSL modems generally need to be powered down for a few minutes before network configuration changes can be made. Try unplugging your modem for 5 minutes before connecting directly to it with your computer.
Clear your DNS cache
If your router and network connection work fine, you might be unable to connect to some websites because of incorrect Domain Name Server (DNS) settings. Clearing your DNS cache may resolve the issue and enable you to connect to the iTunes Store.
The easiest way to clear your DNS cache is to shut down your computer completely and then restart. If you can’t shut down, you can clear your DNS cache manually.
On your PC, click Start, then choose Run.
In the dialog that appears, type “cmd” (don’t type the quotes), then click OK.
After the DOS prompt (C:\), type “ipconfig /flushdns” (without the quotes) and press Enter. Make sure you enter a single blank space after “ipconfig.”
The DNS settings your Internet connection uses are provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If clearing the cache using the above steps still doesn’t resolve the issue, you may want to contact your ISP and verify your DNS settings.