Read Apple News+ in News on Mac
The News+ feed presents select stories from the many magazines and newspapers included in Apple News+, and makes it easy to browse them all. When you follow an Apple News+ magazine, its current and back issues are available from the magazine’s channel in the sidebar.
Note: Apple News and Apple News+ aren’t available in all countries or regions.
Browse the News+ feed
In the News app on your Mac, click News+ in the sidebar (if you don’t see the sidebar, click
in the toolbar), then do any of the following:
Browse popular stories: Scroll up or down to see stories selected by Apple News editors and suggested stories based on your interests.
Browse categories: At the top of the News+ feed, click a category to see the magazines, newspapers, and digital publications in that category. To show more categories, swipe left or right with two fingers on a trackpad or mouse. To see everything available in Apple News+, click Browse the Catalog.
When you follow a magazine, its most recent issue is downloaded automatically (when the News app is open and you’re connected to the internet).
Browse My Magazines: My Magazines shows the latest issues of magazines you follow, issues you recently read, downloaded issues, and suggestions. To see more issues, click See All.
Tip: If you don’t want to continue seeing an issue in My Magazines, click the ellipsis
below the issue cover, choose Remove, then click Remove from My Magazines; the issue is removed from any device where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID and News is on in iCloud preferences or settings. If an issue was downloaded, you can click Remove Download to delete it from your Mac.
Browse a channel’s feed
In the News app on your Mac, click an Apple News+ channel in the sidebar (if you don’t see the sidebar, click
in the toolbar), then do any of the following:
Browse the latest stories: In the channel’s feed, scroll up or down; the most recent stories are at the top.
Browse sections: Some channels organize their stories by sections (such as Health or Style), which appear below the channel’s title at the top of the feed. Click a section to see related stories.
Browse recent issues: Magazine channels provide easy access to issues at the top of the feed. To browse available back issues, swipe left or right with two fingers on a trackpad or mouse.
Read stories and issues
In the News app on your Mac, click News+ or an Apple News+ channel in the sidebar (if you don’t see the sidebar, click
in the toolbar), then do any of the following:
Read a story: Click the story to open it, then use the arrow keys to scroll up or down and to move to the next or previous pages.
Read an issue: Click the issue’s cover to open it, then use the arrow keys to move between pages or stories.
Show an issue’s table of contents: When you’re reading an issue, a thumbnail of its cover appears in the lower-left corner (you may need to scroll to see it while you read). To open the table of contents, click the cover thumbnail or choose View > Show Table of Contents. Click a story or page in the table of contents to go to it.
Close a story or issue: Click the Back icon
in the toolbar or choose View > Back.
You can also listen to audio versions of select stories, as well as an audio briefing of the day’s top stories hosted by Apple News editors, on your iPhone or iPod touch. If your car supports CarPlay, you can listen to the audio stories and briefing on the go. See the iPhone User Guide or the iPod touch User Guide.
Note: The audio feature and CarPlay aren’t available in all countries or regions.