Return recent or missed FaceTime calls
You can quickly return a recent FaceTime call (including calls you missed) from the FaceTime app, Notification Center, Reminders, or the Dock.
Return a call from FaceTime: Click Video or Audio in the FaceTime window to see a list of recent FaceTime calls you made, received, or declined. Then click the Video button
or the Audio button
next to a call (or use the Touch Bar).
Return a missed call from Notification Center: Click the Notification Center icon
in the menu bar, click Notifications, then click a call in the list of missed calls. For more information, see Receive or stop notifications.
Return a call from a reminder: Click the link in a FaceTime reminder.
Return a call from the Dock: Control-click the FaceTime icon, then click a call below Recent Calls.
If you don’t see the FaceTime icon in the Dock, you can add it.