Set up your Persona (beta) on Apple Vision Pro

Get tips for setting up your Persona — a dynamic, natural representation of your face and hand movements that allows others to see you while you’re using Apple Vision Pro for FaceTime and other videoconferencing apps. This process also sets up EyeSight, which reveals your eyes on the front of your Apple Vision Pro.

You can create your Persona when you first set up your Apple Vision Pro, or do it later.

To set up or redo your Persona at any time, follow these steps:

  1. Put on your Apple Vision Pro.

  2. Open Settings, then tap Persona.

  3. Tap Get Started and follow the instructions that appear.

A video shows you the process before you begin, and then a voice guides you through the setup. Watch the entire video, then take off Apple Vision Pro when you're asked to do so.

You can learn more below about each step in creating your Persona, and how to complete the process if you're hard of hearing.

To make sure your Persona stays secure, set up Optic ID. If you don't have Optic ID set up, anyone who knows your Apple Vision Pro passcode can use your Persona.

Get the best results

These tips will help you get the best capture of your Persona:

  • Make sure your face is well-lit and doesn’t have any strong shadows. Front-facing, even lighting is best. If possible, use natural light or cool-temperature lights. Avoid having bright windows or lamps behind or beside you.

  • Take your time getting ready. Capturing won't start until your Apple Vision Pro is facing you at eye level.

  • Make sure your hair doesn’t cover your face.

  • Use a simple background and stay away from nearby objects, like chair backs and lamps. Avoid having other people behind you.

  • Make sure Apple Vision Pro is held horizontally at eye level throughout the capture.

  • During the capture, avoid rapid movement of your head. Turn slowly as directed.

  • When asked to smile, make as large and natural a smile as you can.

  • You can either sit or stand while capturing.

  • Hats, earrings, AirPods, and other items might not be captured fully. If they don't look like you expect them to, remove them and capture your Persona again.

Start with your hands

First, Apple Vision Pro asks you to refine your hand setup. Hold your hands up as shown in the instructions.

Get ready to capture your Persona

"To set up your Persona, you'll remove Apple Vision Pro to capture your appearance. Take your time getting ready, and make sure nothing's covering your face."

Remember to be in front of a neutral background, in a well-lit area with no shadows on your face. Apple Vision Pro will ask you to brighten the lighting on your face if the light's too dim. It will also ask you to adjust lighting if you have light sources beside or behind you that are brighter than the light on your face.

Start capturing

"To start capturing, hold Apple Vision Pro at eye level. Keep your arms and shoulders relaxed. Then follow the instructions."

Remember to hold Apple Vision Pro by its frame. Never hold Apple Vision Pro by its removable Light Seal, Audio Straps, or headband.

The EyeSight display on the front of Apple Vision Pro gives visual cues as you listen to spoken instructions. If your face isn't completely visible, Apple Vision Pro gives spoken instructions and shows your face on the EyeSight display to help you reposition.

Follow the audio and visual cues

"Turn your head to the right. To the left. And tilt up. And down. Then you'll capture your facial expressions. Smile with your mouth closed. Then make a big smile with your teeth showing. Raise your eyebrows. And close your eyes."

Follow the spoken instructions and the visual cues on the EyeSight display, and listen for the sounds that let you know when you've completed a step.

If you're not able to perform one of the facial expressions, you can double-click the Digital Crown to skip that expression.

If you can't hear the audio cues during capture

If you're hard of hearing or can't hear the audio cues during Persona capture, you can move through the steps by following the visual cues on the EyeSight display.

During the capture of your Persona, the display will show shapes pointing to the right, left, up, and then down. When each direction is completed successfully, the shapes turn green.

When capturing your facial expressions, a series of circles tells you which expression is being captured. The circle turns green when the current expression has been captured successfully.

Here's what you'll see on EyeSight for each step of the facial expression capture:

  1. Four concentric circles: Smile with your mouth closed.

  2. Three concentric circles: Smile showing your teeth.

  3. Two concentric circles: Raise your eyebrows.

  4. One circle: Close your eyes for a few seconds.

You can also put Apple Vision Pro back on at any time during Persona capture to rewatch the portion of the video detailing your current step.

Put Apple Vision Pro back on and edit your Persona

"When you're done, put Apple Vision Pro back on to see your Persona."

When you put your Apple Vision Pro back on, you see a progress bar as your Persona is being created. Then your Persona appears in your view, along with options for adjusting it:

  1. Select the lighting style that's applied to your Persona. Look at the bottom of the Persona window and choose Natural, Studio, or Contour. Then tap Next.

  2. Use the sliders at the bottom of the window to adjust the temperature and brightness of your Persona. Then tap Next.

  3. Select an eyewear style if you'd like your Persona to have glasses. Then tap Next.

  4. Tap Save to keep your Persona, or tap Recapture to start over.

Now you can use your Persona in FaceTime on Apple Vision Pro or other apps. To edit or delete your Persona, go back to Settings > Persona. You can also redo your Persona at any time if your appearance changes or if you just want to capture it again with different lighting.

About EyeSight

When you set up Persona, your eyes are also captured for EyeSight. This feature shows your eyes on the front of your Apple Vision Pro and lets those nearby know when you’re using apps or when you're fully immersed in an experience. Learn more about EyeSight in the Apple Vision Pro User Guide.

How to get a spatial Persona (beta)

With visionOS 1.1 and later on your Apple Vision Pro, you can turn on your spatial Persona in FaceTime calls with other Apple Vision Pro users. When your spatial Persona is turned on, it feels like you and the other people in the call are in the same room. Spatial Personas appear in your space, so you can all move around, make eye contact, and share views of the apps you’re using. You can also use SharePlay to watch movies together, play games, collaborate, and more.

Get detailed information on using spatial Persona in the Apple Vision Pro User Guide.

The spatial Persona buttonspatial Persona button appears in FaceTime controls soon after you update your Apple Vision Pro to visionOS 1.1. If you don't see spatial Persona in FaceTime, try these tips:

  1. Make sure that you've updated to visionOS 1.1.

  2. Restart your Apple Vision Pro.

  3. If the spatial Persona feature still doesn't appear, wait a few hours, then restart Apple Vision Pro again.

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