Supported Apple News ad formats
The following ad formats are supported on Workbench and Google Ad Manager.
Banner ads
Only one asset is needed for all supported iPhone and iPod touch devices. A second asset is needed for all supported Mac computers and iPad devices. Safe areas are required for some ad formats to accommodate varying aspect ratios across iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad screen sizes.

*Available on Workbench only.
Video ads
Only one asset is needed for all supported devices.

Native (sponsored content) ads
Native ads display directly in content feeds or at the end of articles on Apple News.

Post-tap experience
The following options are available for the post-tap experience from banners and videos.
View/read a publisher channel or article
Visit websites
Download apps
Download iBooks, Music, Movies, and TV content
View/read sponsored content on Apple News
Deep-link into apps if installed on a device
Subscribe to a publisher channel
Subscribe to Apple News+*
Target specific publication issues*
* Available to Apple News+ publishers only.
Supported devices
iPhone 5 and later
iPad (5th generation and later)
iPad Air (1st generation and later)
iPad mini (2nd generation and later)
iPad Pro
iPod touch (6th generation and later)
Mac computers
Supported operating systems
iOS 10 and later for interstitial and native ads
iOS 10.3 and later for banner ads
iOS 11 and later for video ads
iOS 15 and later for large carousel banner ads
iOS 17 and later for small and medium carousel banner ads
iPadOS 10.3 and later for native ads
iPadOS 13 and later for banner, interstitial, and video ads
iPadOS 15 and later for large carousel banner ads
iPadOS 17 and later for small and medium carousel banner ads
macOS 10.14 and later for native ads
macOS 10.3 and later for banner, interstitial and video ads
Note that iPad may include Apple Vision Pro devices.