Use VoiceOver window spots to navigate app windows and webpages on Mac
You can quickly navigate app windows and webpages using window spots. In app windows, VoiceOver automatically creates a set of window spots based on the app’s design, including key areas such as search fields, sidebars and toolbars.
You can also create your own window spots — for app windows (to mark the buttons or areas you interact with most often) and for webpages (to mark your favourite content).
Window spots are listed in the VoiceOver rotor.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
See a list of window spots for the current window: Press VO-U to open the VoiceOver rotor, then press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key until you hear Window Spots.
Create a window spot for the item that has focus: Press VO-Command-Shift-Right Bracket. You can create an unlimited number of window spots for a window. Your most recently used window spot appears first in the list of window spots in the VoiceOver rotor.
Remove a window spot you created: Press VO-Command-Shift-Left Bracket.
Jump to the next window spot (automatically created spots and spots you created): Press VO-Right Bracket.
Jump to the previous window spot (automatically created spots and spots you created): Press VO-Left Bracket.
Jump to the next window spot (only spots you created): Press VO-Command-Right Bracket.
Jump to the previous window spot (only spots you created): Press VO-Command-Left Bracket.
If the design of a window changes significantly and VoiceOver can’t locate a window spot that previously existed on the page, VoiceOver tries to create a new window spot that closely matches the original one.
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