Move a Keynote presentation on Mac
You can move a presentation to another location, including to another folder or to a server, or from iCloud to your Mac and vice versa.
Click anywhere in the open presentation to make it active, then choose File > Move To (from the File menu at the top of your screen).
Click the Where pop-up menu, then choose a new location.
If you use iCloud Drive, you can move the presentation to the Keynote folder there by choosing Keynote — iCloud. If you choose iCloud Drive instead, the presentation is moved to the main level of iCloud Drive, not to the Keynote folder.
For more locations, choose Other at the bottom of the menu, then choose a location. To create a new folder for the presentation, click New Folder in the lower-left corner of the window, type a name for the folder, then click Create.
Click Move.
If you’re the owner of a shared presentation and you’re using iCloud Drive on a device with an older version of iOS or macOS, moving the presentation to another location may break the link, and the presentation may become unavailable to participants.