Find podcasts on Mac
Find and play free podcasts—similar to radio or TV shows—from a wide range of categories such as science, news, comedy, and more. You can subscribe to your favorite shows and listen to new episodes as they’re released. You can also download episodes and listen to them when you’re not connected to the internet.

You can search for podcasts by title, topic, guest, host, and more. You can search all available podcasts or only those that are already in your library.
In the Podcasts app
on your Mac, click in the search field in the top-left corner of the Podcasts window (or press Command-F) and enter your search criteria—results appear as you type.
Click the All Podcasts or Your Library button.
Tip: To quickly discover a variety of shows, click Browse in the sidebar on the left to see Featured and New & Noteworthy shows. You can browse by categories or curated collections.
From the search results, do any of the following:
Play the show or episode: Hold the pointer over a show or episode, then click the Play button
. See Listen to podcasts.
View details about the show or episode: In the Shows section, click the title link under the show; in the Episodes section, click the title link next to the episode.
Subscribe to the show: Hold the pointer over a show, click the show’s More button
, then choose Subscribe. See Subscribe to podcasts.
Note: Some podcasts may include material for mature audiences, such as content with explicit language or adult themes and situations. To restrict access to this type of content, see Set up content & privacy restrictions in Screen Time.