Logic Remote on iPad control bar overview
The control bar is located at the top of the screen, with controls to switch views, open the Library, control playback and recording, navigate between tracks, use the ruler and playhead, and view different settings.

The buttons on the left side of the control bar include:
The View button
allows you to switch between views to play Touch Instruments, use the Mixer, work with key commands, and open Smart Help.
The Library button
opens the Library, where you can choose patches. When you open Smart Help, the Library button changes to the Lock button
The controls for playing, recording, and navigating the project are on either side of the control bar display:
The Go to Beginning button
moves the playhead to the beginning of the project, or to the beginning of an active cycle area. This button is flipped (points right) when the playhead is to the left of the project start position, or to the left of the active cycle area.
During playback, the Go to Beginning button changes to a Stop button.
The Stop button
stops playback or recording at the playhead position.
The Play button
starts playback at the playhead position, or from the left locator position when in Cycle mode.
The Record button
starts recording. To stop recording and stop the playhead, tap the Stop button.
The Cycle button
turns on Cycle mode, with the cycle area appearing as a yellow strip in the ruler.
The Metronome button
turns on a click that plays at the project tempo during playback or recording.
The upper line in the control bar display shows the playhead position. The format (bars and beats, or hours, minutes, and seconds) depends on the display mode setting in GarageBand. The lower line shows the selected track. You can use the control bar display to show or hide the ruler and playhead. You use the arrows on either side of the display to move between tracks.
The Settings button
opens a menu where you can undo or redo edits, create or duplicate a track, and switch between host applications controlled by Logic Remote. You can also open Logic Remote Help.