Invite others to open files in iCloud Drive on iPod touch
When you use iCloud Drive in the Files app , you can invite others to view or edit a file by sending them a link.
Files shared in iCloud Drive have these important characteristics:
The links to shared files include their filenames; if the name or content of the file is confidential, be sure to ask recipients not to forward the link to anyone else.
If you move shared files to other folders or locations, links to them no longer work and people lose access to the files.
When shared files are editable, everyone’s changes are updated automatically. Depending on the app, users might need to reopen the file or tap the original link to see the latest changes.
For information about setting up iCloud Drive, see Use iCloud Drive on iPod touch. For information about viewing and organizing files in iCloud Drive, see View files and folders in Files on iPod touch and Organize files in folders on iPod touch.
Invite people with Apple IDs to edit a file
If you own a file, you can let people who have an Apple ID open, view, and edit the file in iCloud Drive.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap
Choose a method for sending a link to the file.
Enter any other requested information, then send or post the invitation.
To open the file, the people you invite must sign in to iCloud with an Apple ID.
Invite anyone to open a file
If you own a file in iCloud Drive, you can share it with others—including people who don’t have an Apple ID.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap
Tap Share Options.
Tap “Anyone with the link.”
This setting allows anyone with the link to open the file. No one is required to sign in to iCloud.
To restrict anyone from editing the file, tap “View only.” To allow everyone to edit the file, tap “Can make changes.”
Tap Add People (at the top of the screen).
Choose a method for sending the links to the file, enter any other requested information, then send or post the invitation.
Invite more people to view or edit a file
If you’ve already shared a file in iCloud Drive, and the file’s access is set to “Only people you invite,” you can invite more people to share the file.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap
Tap Add People.
Choose a method for sending a link to the file.
Enter any other requested information, then send or post the invitation.
Change access and permission settings for a file
If you’re the owner of a file shared in iCloud Drive, you can change the file access at any time. However, everyone you shared the link with is affected.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap Share Options.
Do any of the following:
Change access: If you change the setting from “Anyone with the link” to “Only people you invite,” the original link no longer works for anyone, and only people who received an invitation from you can open the file. They must sign in to iCloud with an Apple ID.
Change permissions: Choose the permission setting you want. When you change the permission setting, anyone who has the file open when you change the permission sees an alert. New settings take effect when they dismiss the alert.
Change a file’s permission or remove access for one participant
If you’re the owner of a file shared in iCloud Drive, and the file access is set to “Only people you invite,” you can change file permission for an individual without affecting the permission of others. You can also remove the individual’s access to the file.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap
Tap the person’s name, then select an option.
Stop sharing a file
If you’re the owner of a file shared in iCloud Drive, you can stop sharing it.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, then tap
Tap Stop Sharing.
Anyone who has the file open when you stop sharing sees an alert. The file closes when the alert is dismissed, the file is removed from the participant’s iCloud Drive, and the link to the file no longer works. If you later share the file again and set the access to “Anyone with the link,” the original link works. If the access is set to “Only people you invite,” the original link works again only for people you reinvite to share the file.
Send a file link to more people
If your access to a file in iCloud Drive is set to “Anyone with the link,” you can give new people access to the file by sending them the file link.
Touch and hold the file.
Tap Share, tap
, then tap Send Link.
Choose a method for sending the link, enter any other requested information, then send or post the invitation.