Transition from iBooks Author to Pages
With Pages, you can create and collaborate on books from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and
About iBooks Author
iBooks Author is no longer updated or available. If you’ve previously downloaded the app, you can still access it from your App Store purchase history. You can continue to use iBooks Author on macOS Catalina or earlier. And you'll continue to have access to books you've previously published to Apple Books from iBooks Author. You can also open and edit iBooks Author files (IBA files) in Pages.
About book creation in Pages
You can create books in Pages on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and
Create and share books
You can create, collaborate on, and publish books.
Import an iBooks Author book into Pages on your Mac for further editing.
Create a book by selecting a template, adding pages, and viewing and sending an EPUB.
Collaborate with others on a shared book.
Publish to Apple Books to offer your books for download or purchase.
Design books
You can use many features in Pages to help you design your book.
Use drop caps to make a paragraph stand out with a large, decorative first letter.
Fill text with gradients or images for added style.
Apply a color, gradient, or image to the background of any page.
Add linked text boxes to allow your text to flow from one text box to another automatically.
Create a new page template to keep your design consistent across your book.
Use facing pages to create two-page spreads.
Add vertical text for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Add media to books
You can add video, image galleries, drawings, audio, and more to your book.
Add images and include video in your book.
Play YouTube and Vimeo videos right in your books.*
Insert an image gallery to view and move through a collection of photos on the same page.
Add drawings to your book with Apple Pencil or your finger and animate them.
Include captions and titles for images, videos, shapes, and other objects.
Record and play audio directly on a page.
Add accessibility descriptions to media to help people using assistive technology.
Choose from over 700 editable shapes to add to your book.
Use LaTeX or MathML notation to add an equation.
Place images, shapes, and equations inline in text boxes, so they move with the text.
Organize books
You can give your book structure and form.
Create a table of contents to make it easy to navigate your book.
Duplicate, move, or copy and paste pages or sections of your book.
Add links to webpages or other pages in your book.
Create and save a custom template to use as a model for new books.
Send feedback
If you have any feedback or feature requests for Pages, please share them with us.
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