View the weather map on Mac
You can use a location’s weather map to view details about the precipitation, temperature, air quality, and wind.
Expand or collapse the weather map
Go to the Weather app
on your Mac.
Click a location’s weather map to expand it.
Note: The type of weather map shown can change depending on the weather conditions for the selected location. To view a specific weather map, see Explore weather maps below.
To collapse the map, click
Explore weather maps
Go to the Weather app
on your Mac.
Click a location’s weather map to expand it, then do any of the following:
Switch between temperature, precipitation, air quality, and wind maps: Click
, then choose a map.
Pan the map: Drag in any direction to pan the map. You can also swipe in any direction with two fingers (on a trackpad) or one finger (on a mouse).
Zoom in or out: Click
to zoom in or out. Or, on a trackpad, pinch with two fingers.
View your current location: Click
in the upper-right corner.
View a location’s weather conditions: Click a location pin or Control-click a new location, then choose “View [location].”
Save a location to your list: Control-click a new location, then choose “Add [location].”
Change the precipitation map’s forecast range: Click the Forecast pop-up menu, then choose an option. (Not available in all countries or regions.)
![The Weather app, showing the location, the current temperature and weather conditions, hourly and 10-day forecasts, and a timeline.](https://help.apple.com/assets/671BDE97015B3AFAC603792B/671BDE9A015B3AFAC6037931/en_US/40b27352440529838b788f906c2d92ad.png)
Open a location in Maps
Go to the Weather app
on your Mac.
Click a location’s weather map to expand it.
Click the location’s pin, then click Open in Maps.