Space Designer Output EQ in MainStage
Space Designer has a six-band Output EQ consisting of high and low pass bands, two parametric mid-bands, plus a low shelving filter and a high shelving filter. You can edit EQ parameters numerically in the parameter bar or graphically in the main display.

Output EQ parameters
EQ On/Off button: Turn the Output EQ on or off. When on you can adjust the frequencies of the overall combined reverb and source signal.
Band 1 On/Off button: Turn a highpass filter on or off. This filter allows high frequencies to pass and cuts the level of low frequencies below the set frequency. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 1 background and node: Drag the red shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change the Q value (when 12dB/Oct is chosen in Order pop-up menu).
Band 2 On/Off button: Turn the low shelving filter on or off. This filter increases or decreases the frequencies below/above the Frequency value. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 2 background and node: Drag the orange shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change gain. Command-Option drag vertically to set the Q value.
Band 3 On/Off button: Turn a parametric bell filter on or off. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 3 background and node: Drag the green shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change gain. Command-Option drag vertically to set the Q value.
Band 4 On/Off button: Turn a parametric bell filter on or off. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 4 background and node: Drag the blue shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change gain. Command-Option drag vertically to set the Q value.
Band 5 On/Off button: Turn a high shelving filter on or off. This filter increases or decreases the frequencies below/above the Frequency value. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 5 background and node: Drag the purple shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change gain. Command-Option drag vertically to set the Q value.
Band 6 On/Off button: Turn a lowpass filter on or off. This filter allows low frequencies to pass and cuts the level of high frequencies above the set frequency. When active, you can change band parameters directly in the graphic display.
Band 6 background and node: Drag the pink shaded area or node horizontally to change frequency. Drag vertically to change the Q value (12dB/Oct active in Order pop-up menu).
Frequency field or background: Set the cutoff, center, or knee frequency for the selected EQ band.
Gain field: Cut or boost the selected EQ band (bands 2 to 4).
Order pop-up menu: Choose the filter rolloff amount for the highpass and lowpass filter bands (bands 1 and 6). Higher order filters have a steeper rolloff.
Q field: Set the Q factor—the width—for the selected band. High values result in a narrow frequency band selection. Low values encompass a broad frequency band.
Use the Output EQ graphic display
The graphic display shows the current curve of each EQ band. The color of each band matches the corresponding button above the display. Each band (and corresponding Frequency, Gain, Order, and Q field) is highlighted as you move the pointer across it.
Click a curve line segment, the (frequency) node, or anywhere in the space between the zero line and EQ curve to adjust the band.
Click the node to select a band for editing. Once a band is selected, no other band node that falls within the active area of the selected band can be selected.
Click the graphic display background (outside a band) to deselect the selected band.
Band 1 and 6:
Drag the node or the band background to adjust the Frequency value.
Option-Command drag the node to adjust the Frequency and Q value.
Note: Q values are only available when the Order parameter is set to 12dB/Oct.
Bands 2 to 5:
Drag the node or the band background to adjust the Frequency and Gain value.
Option-Command drag the node or the band background to adjust the Frequency and Q value.
Additional gestures:
Hold down Command while dragging to limit dragging to vertical or horizontal movement.
Use a two-finger vertical swipe with the trackpad, or a single-finger vertical swipe with the Magic Mouse, to adjust the Q value of the selected band.