Configure channel strip components in MainStage
You can customize how your channel strips appear in the Channel Strip area. The Channel Strip Configuration pop-up menu lets you select or deselect individual channel strip components, including components that are not activated by default.

The channel strip components not shown in the Overview of channel strips in MainStage are:
Audio Device Controls: When selected, direct hardware device controls such as mic preamp gain knobs, phantom power buttons, and so on. appear on the channel strip. The controls available depend on the audio device. Only audio devices specifically integrated with Logic, such as Apogee audio devices, offer direct audio device controls.
Type and Number Label: Displays the type of channel strip (audio, software instrument, external instrument, or auxiliary) and number.
Channel Color: When selected, the channel name and the channel notes fields will display the channel color.
Channel Number: When selected, the internally determined channel number of each track is displayed.