Pages User Guide for iPad
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Add line and page breaks in Pages on iPad
You can use formatting to control how text flows on the page.
Line break: Use a line break, also called a soft return, to start a new line without starting a new paragraph.
Page break: Use a page break (in a word processing document only) to move a line of text to the top of the next page or to start typing on a new page.
Force text to the next line or page
Tap where you want the break to occur.
in the shortcut bar above the keyboard, then tap Line Break or Page Break.
If you can’t see Page Break, your document is a page layout document and doesn’t use page breaks. Instead, you can add a new page.
When you insert a line break or page break, Pages inserts a formatting character called an invisible. You see these formatting characters when you select text that includes them. See Intro to formatting symbols.
Remove a formatting break
Place the insertion point at the beginning of the text following the break, then tap