Add music to Apple Vision Pro and listen offline
In the Music app, Apple Music subscribers can add songs and videos from Apple Music to their library. You can stream music you add to Apple Vision Pro when you have an internet connection. To play music when you’re not connected to the internet, you must first download it.
Add music from Apple Music to your library
Go to the Music app
on your Apple Vision Pro.
Do any of the following:
Pinch and hold a song, album, playlist or video, then tap Add to Library.
When viewing the contents of an album or playlist, tap
near the top of the window to add the album or playlist, or tap , then tap Add to Library to add individual songs.In Now Playing (at the bottom of the window), tap
, then tap Add to Library.
To delete music from the library, pinch and hold the song, album, playlist or music video, then tap Delete from Library.
Music you add to your Apple Vision Pro is also added to other devices if you’re signed in to the iTunes Store and App Store using the same Apple Account and have Sync Library turned on (go to Settings
Download music from Apple Music to your Apple Vision Pro
Download a song, album or playlist: Pinch and hold music you’ve added to your library, then tap Download.
After you add a playlist or album, you can also tap
at the top of the window.Note: You must turn on Sync Library to download music from Apple Music to your library (go to Settings
> Apps > Music, then turn on Sync Library).Always download music: Go to Settings > Apps > Music, then turn on Automatic Downloads.
Songs you add are automatically downloaded to Apple Vision Pro.
See download progress: Tap Library in the tab bar, tap Downloaded Music, then tap Downloading.
Note: If the music you’re downloading is available in Dolby Atmos,