Get started with Apple Fitness+
When you subscribe to Apple Fitness+, you get access to a catalog of workouts, including HIIT, Yoga, Core, Cycling, Strength, and more. You can also participate in guided meditations—5-, 10-, or 20-minute meditations designed to help you improve your overall sense of well-being.
Wear your Apple Watch during a workout, and metrics—like heart rate and calories burned—are shared to your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV while you work out, and sync with your daily activity data when you finish a workout.
Note: Apple Fitness+ isn’t available in all countries or regions.

Subscribe to Apple Fitness+
To work out with Apple Fitness+, you need a subscription. Open the Fitness app on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. Then, if you’re on your iPhone, tap Fitness+. Select the free trial button, then follow the onscreen instructions.

Choose a workout and trainer
When it’s time to work out, select a workout type in the Fitness app, then choose a workout and trainer. To help you pick, you can see details for every workout—like its playlist and music genre, whether it has closed captions, and any equipment you might need—and see a preview of the workout.
Each of the Apple Fitness+ trainers bring their unique personality, taste in music, and training style to their workouts. You can read a bio for each trainer and see a list of every trainer’s workouts.

See your stats
During your workout, track your progress for each of your rings. When working out with your Apple Watch, you can also check out your heart rate and calories burned.
Onscreen stats are displayed for each workout, and some workouts also display the Burn Bar, which shows how your metrics compare to others who have done the workout before. To change the metrics that appear for your workouts, tap the screen during a workout.

Create a Custom Plan
You can create a Custom Plan that fits in your schedule and helps you stay on track with your fitness goals. To start a Custom Plan, tap Fitness+, tap Build Your Plan, then choose the days you want to work out, how long you want to work out each day, and activity types (like HIIT, yoga, strength, meditations, and more).
Want to learn more?
Download this guide: PDF