Create a playlist in Music on Mac
You can create playlists to suit specific moods, to organize songs with a certain theme, or to group songs you want to burn to a CD.
Playlists you create have this icon next to them.
Ask Siri. Say something like: “Play the R&B playlist.” Learn more about Siri.
You can also create a Smart Playlist that updates automatically based on rules you choose, or create a Genius Playlist that includes music in your library that’s similar to the selected song.
Create a playlist
In the Music app
on your Mac, choose File > New > Playlist.
Type a name for the playlist.
Add items to a playlist
In the Music app on your Mac, select a playlist in the sidebar on the left and do any of the following:
From anywhere in your music library, drag an item to a playlist in the sidebar on the left.
Control-click an item, choose Add to Playlist, then choose a playlist.
Tip: To add songs to a playlist without adding them to your library, choose Music > Preferences, click Advanced, then deselect “Add songs to Library when adding to playlists.”
Edit a playlist
In the Music app on your Mac, select a playlist in the sidebar on the left and do any of the following:
Change the order of songs: Drag the songs into the order you want or choose View > Sort By.
Remove an item: Select the item and press the Delete key.
If the deleted song is already in your library, removing it from a playlist doesn’t remove it from your library or storage device.
Delete a playlist
In the Music app on your Mac, do any of the following:
Select a playlist in the sidebar on the left, then press the Delete key.
Control-click a playlist in the sidebar on the left, then choose Delete from Library